I'm not a Microsoft hater . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
But they are trying so hard to find new markets . . . yet they can't seem to understand why Google is kicking their dicks in.

SIMPLE, easy to use products. With simple instructions.

Look at this email I got in response to a technical problem I am having with a Microsoft Beta product.

Thank you for contacting the Windows Live Mail Desktop Support Team. My name is Maverick. I will be happy to assist you with your issue.

First of all, let us apologize for the delay answering your request, and for all the conveniences this is causing you.
we appreciate your patience.

We understand that you were receiving an error message in Windows Live Mail Desktop. The problem you were experiencing is a known issue with the Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta. We apologize for any inconvenience this is causing you. The product development team is working to improve the quality of the product as we move closer to the release of the final product. The product development team is constantly reviewing known issues and missing features to determine what should be included in later version of the product. The Windows Live Mail is a Beta Project, and is undergoing changes constantly. Many of these changes are based on user experiences. At any moment you may see some of the changes you have been waiting for.

In order to solve this issue, we will escalate this issue immediately to the Highest Resolution Specialist Team.

We will have an answer within the next 5 business days. Thank you so much for your understanding.

All feedback can be sent to http://feedback.live.com by clicking on the product and submitting a form.

Again, thank you for contacting Windows Live Support Beta.

Windows Live Support

JUST TELL ME YOU CAN'T HELP ME!!! What the fuck is all that apologetic crap?
I was just scrolling down in this thread and when I came to my own post I thought "Wtf, I posted a picture of myself finally? I don't remember doing that." And then I remembered that was Tom Cruise, not me. :lol:
Maverick is the American name for Manish ... as the MS call center is most likely in Bangalore.