i'm not as inspired to post on this board as i used to be.

crumbling mirth

the song remains the same
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
i don't think the quality of people's threads or posts has disintegrated at all, i just find myself less inclined to want to reply to a lot of them simply because quite a few of them seem to be concerned with bands that don't interest me much.

it's purely a personal thing, which hasn't led me to lose respect for anybody or anybody's tastes.
Well then - start posts of your own with stuff that interests you, instead of looking to respond to posts that hold no interest to you. There, now wasn't that simple?:rolleyes:
you see i would do that, but i run out of ideas for my own posts.
i think it's important to be inspired by what other people have written in addition to adding your own insights and forging your own direction with things.

i love randomly finding things people have written that i can relate to, where people's ideas and responses haven't been prompted by my own observations.
Originally posted by crumbling mirth
you see i would do that, but i run out of ideas for my own posts.
i think it's important to be inspired by what other people have written in addition to adding your own insights and forging your own direction with things.

i love randomly finding things people have written that i can relate to, where people's ideas and responses haven't been prompted by my own observations.

yeah - I see your point. I also look for inspiration within these posts which incite my sometimes dormant brain into motion

maybe we should take a poll to see what people most want to see in a thread, tabulate the results, and begin a thread of massive porportions based on those results :D
haha. i think that could be worthwhile.
it might give us an explanation as to why some threads have such a short life and others prosper for weeks and weeks. lol