I'm now selling mp3s


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
at my website: http://www.itsatrap.com/store.php

it's kind of an experiment at this point to see how well things do, since I really have no idea how willing people are to throw their money around, but I figure I might as well give it a shot. I've been doing the CD import distro thing for quite some time now and shipping prices just suck the profit out of things from all sides.
so yeah: all hard-to-find Scandinavian music, 256k VBR mp3s, full releases only. If some of you dudes actually buy something and can provide feedback on well the system works, I will give partial refunds for your effort.
interesting! at first i thought you meant inividual mp3s like iTunes.

avi, have you ever heard of "the shout out louds"? i went to a listening party thrown by EMI (hey open bar) and i didn't actually listen to the music so i have no clue if they suck, rock, or even what they sound like.
yeah, they're decent. I was actually one of the first people online to ever talk about them since their manager sent me their CD when it first came out like 2 or 3 years ago. they sound kinda like a slightly peppier version of the Cure IMO.
oh and selling individual mp3s track-by-track is for pop shite, not respectable artists IMO. since I'm really only selling stuff from bands and labels I like, I want stuff to be appreciated in the way it was intended.
Hey I'm selling albums too, just download dc++, send me $20.oo and you can download from our wide range of albums!