i'M ON A dEATH rOLL!!!


Nov 15, 2002
San Diego
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FINALLY!!! Century media took their damn sweet time getting it to me...I could've driven up there and back in an afternoon from SD...anyhoo, "Hatecrew.." is a great piece of crap!!! I liken it to Dream Theatre tripping out on Angel Dust(not the band...HA!) Great friggin' solos, too. The keyboards are okay, a little over the top in spots, but not annoyingly so. My question to you "Bodomites" is this: is this their best work? Are there more or less keyboards on the previous efforts? Let me know if I should pick up the early stuff...thanks!
The keyboards are more prominent in earlier Bodom. Hate Crew Deathroll is an awesome album that shows an obvious and much needed break-away from their neo-classical beginnings. Earlier material is better, but you won't like it if you don't like Deathroll.
Definitely don't buy Hatebreeder...that's so full of keyboards it's almost comical. The riffing and solos are killer, but then this crazy loud keyboard comes in and overshadows everything...