I'm probably going to be shot for this...


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Okay, so, most of you know I went to the Download Festival at Castle Donington over the weekend. Well, I have a frightening revelation that has taken me a few days to come to terms with...

Out of all the bands at the festival, possibly the most entertaining live act were... I can't believe I'm going to say this... Linkin Park.

Now, before you all start booking flights/trains to come over here and personally kick my ass, let me defend my position. Firstly, I said 'most entertaining live act', not 'best band'. That acclaim (IMHO) went jointly to Opeth, Hatebreed and Akercocke. Secondly, Linkin Park were undeniably exciting to watch. The members used absolutely every inch of the stage, were possessed of boundless energy throughout, and still managed to deliver a tight-as-fuck performance of their material.

Chester's voice (which is, I don't care what anyone says, fantastic) was on top form, Mike's rapping was bearable, the bass guitar sound was absolutely monstrously huge, which gave the riffs on heavier tracks like 'With You' and 'By Myself' a huge testosterone shot. And in the live environment, however absurdly simplistic some of LP's songs may be, you are suddenly reminded how much of a cathartic bottom-end stomp some of them have.

They also managed to pull off a particularly admirable cover of Nine Inch Nails' 'Wish', threw that Xecutioners track out, and dug out a five-year old song which was the only low-point of the set.

Metallica by comparison were actually pretty dull, but they made up for it by leaving Lars Ulrich in hospital, getting Dave Lombardo, Joey Jordison and Ulrich's drum-tech to perform in his place, and playing absolutely no songs from anything later than the black album. :D
See, when they first came out with the Hybrid Theory album, I actually loved it - great hooks, huge choruses, every song an instantly memorably, radio-friendly hit single. But with albums like that, the appeal wears out, and after about three months I totally lost interest. After a further six months of hearing almost every single from the album played every time I ventured into a rock club or a bar or whatever, I wanted Chester's head on a spike outside my house. But seeing them live seemed to remind me what I liked about them in the first place. Still not buying 'Meteora', though.
Chester has a fantastic voice? Fuck off! He's such an annoying whiny gay!

But, fair enough if you liked 'em. Poof :loco:

Seriously, though, I would've caned to see Metallica with Dave Lombardo behind the kit! Finally they got a decent drummer! :D
LOL - actually, he can scream and growl his bollocks off at times - there's one part in 'Faint' where he yells hard enough to make a vein burst in anyone else's forehead, and he turned a particularly interesting shade of crimson on the big screen when he did it live... hehehe...

Dave only did a couple of songs with them, sadly - 'Battery' (which absolutely ruled), and 'Four Horsemen' (which was great, but not one of my favourite 'Tallica tracks).

Lars' drum tech Flemming handled a slightly ropy 'Fade To Black', and Joey did everything else - and by goat, did he do a good job of it! Whatever anybody thinks of Slipknot, they can't deny that Joey's a demon behind the kit - he was improvising some stunning fills over 'Creeping Death' and 'Seek And Destroy'!
Dude! :cool:

I heard that Lars doesn't play double bass any more, so those guys really helped on that count. Christ, probably two of the best guys to play double bass there!
Yeah that annoying dude can actually sing when he chooses to, I have some weak ass shite compilation with him doing a ballad type song, actually sounds pretty good.

Wish is one of the first metal songs I fell in love with, that 1/2 second moment of silence near the beginning is one of the BEST. MOMENTS. EVAR.

Linkin Park fucking suck, by the way. :wave:
Lars must still be doing double bass, 'cos they're still playing stuff like 'Blackened' and the material from St. Anger in their regular sets... but yeah, it was awesome watching Lombardo and Jordison rip through classic 'Tallica tunes...

NAD - totally with you on 'Wish', mainly because I'm a Nine Inch Nails obsessive (I have very nearly everything they've ever released, with the exception of a couple of the different remixes of 'Closer' and the latest remix album (which I did buy, but later gave away because it was shite).
dill_the_devil said:
nearly everything they've ever released
Nearly?! Höhöhö, you need them all like me! :D

I have one version of each Halo release I should say, some (like Closer) have several different import versions which I don't bother with. As far as I know I have every single track he ever did, as well as every official remix. Also, I thought Things Falling Apart ruled, but I guess nobody else on the planet did. :loco:
The problem with Linkin Park is, all of their songs follow the exact same verse chorus structure. In fact I think like every song is around 3:30 long. But I agree the chester guy has a pretty interesting voice.
Hybrid Theory isnt really a bad album, i had it when i was into more radio stuff back then, i first heard them on the 2000 ozzfest sampler back when they were called "Hybrid Theory", there was a song called "Now I See" (known on the album as "With You") and i was utterly addicted to that song, i bought HT, listened to it non stop for a little bit, and it grew old quickly, as i was starting to get into underground stuff and expanding my tastes.
I am a huge fan of Meteora ... it has permanent place in my car radio ... these guys definetelly sound different from the run of the mill nu metal bands ... they seem like pretty humble guys also.

Still to hear Hybrid Theory though.
LOL - Jay, I'm starting to worry here... nearly all discussions of live gigs/nights out end up with you asking what the chicks look like there... are you some kind of travelling sex deviant scoping out new haunts to ply chicks with Roofy Coladas? (he he he... aaaaalll riiight). Well, I was hanging out with my missus on the grass verge away from the majority of the crowd, but there were a few hotties on the big screen... and a few of them were legal, too. :)
lurch70 said:
... they seem like pretty humble guys also.
I had to give 'em a bit of respect when I read an interview with 'em in Rolling Stone awhile back. Very hardworking lads. Just a pity I hate their music and think it sucks! :loco:
that dude's high pitched voice grates the ol' ears. Calling the other vocalist a rapper is insult enough.