Holy shit! I'm going to Ireland!!!

Man, I'm fucking pumped for this show! Nemtheanga even told me of a record shop in Dublin that has some of their older albums in stock! SCORE! :)

Anyone got tips about places to go or things to see/do that are particularly great? Obviously I'll spend a good deal of time drinking, but hey... we all need a bit of a break once in a while!

Erik said:
What the fuck is up with all you yanks going to IRELAND of all places? Is it because it's the closest European country and you're fucking lazy? I mean, not that there's anything wrong with Ireland, but..

My girlfriend is Irish, and I'm going with her, her mom and her stepfather, so we'll be staying with their relatives and visiting them!
oh I won't miss it! my plane gets in to Belfast at 7am on the 7th, then i'll have to bus down to Dublin, find my girlfriend's cousin's house, sleep, get up, check out the city, make my way to the record shops people have told me of, and get to the show (of course i'll make it in time for Scald!) :kickass:
There are people from the UK that come to NY for long weekends just to go shopping. It's like everything at list price is 50% off. When my mom visits, she goes straight to Lord & Taylor or Macy's, 'cos they always have the massive dept store sales, and then just buys buys buys. She actually comes over with an empty suitcase, just so she can fill it on her return, no shit.
With the US dollar as it is? I doubt it... You Canadians at least have more of your currency to compensate, while the US dollar right now is just weak as fuck (though sadly it's picked up a bit recently)
Yeah but do you see what I'm trying to say? Your dollar is usually weaker by a BIGGER margin so comparatively, I guess Canadians have MORE MONEY right about now
I JUST missed like 298374982374 shows when I was there.

If you go to dublin, GO TO SENTINAL RECORDS

its a killer little shop that has lots of show dates and stuff as well.

5 Cope street in Temple Bar

Score! thanks for the info! I have to check if it's still there.
How does the Canadian dollar hold up in Ireland these days? :loco:


I'm hitting up Dublin next week, though I only care to see the city for one day, where/what are the best places to go to see the country side of Ireland?