Ireland Makes Blasphemy Illegal

Damn, I'm sorry bro. I apologize for being stupid and not knowing the laws of Ireland. You know, since I spend so much time there and all.

:lol: that wasn't aimed at you or anyone else here Mr. Sensitivity.

It's been all over the news for the past few weeks and I was speaking about the mass coverage that it's been getting. Just pointing out that nothing has really changed in Ireland with this legislation, it's just more people are informed about it and are outraged at something that was already in effect, just never enforced.
:lol: that wasn't aimed at you or anyone else here Mr. Sensitivity.

It's been all over the news for the past few weeks and I was speaking about the mass coverage that it's been getting. Just pointing out that nothing has really changed in Ireland with this legislation, it's just more people are informed about it and are outraged at something that was already in effect, just never enforced.

I think the responses in this thread make it pretty obvious that this hasn't been covered in the American media whatsoever, which just makes the whole situation even more disgusting. :bah:
Great point.

It truly is a disgusting thing, any form of censorship. However, for the first time Christians are being censored as well. It's going to get interesting for sure.
:lol: that wasn't aimed at you or anyone else here Mr. Sensitivity.

It's been all over the news for the past few weeks and I was speaking about the mass coverage that it's been getting. Just pointing out that nothing has really changed in Ireland with this legislation, it's just more people are informed about it and are outraged at something that was already in effect, just never enforced.

My sarcasm was based more around the way you managed to incorporate some sort of smug sense of superiority in your last two posts, rather than me being sensitive to any of this shit that, when it all comes down to it, I don't really give a damn about anyways.

Will the last part of that sentence get me beheaded in Ireland now?
Oh stop nit-picking. There was no "smug sense of superiority" incorporated anywhere. I merely pointed out the fact that if people (being the media, bloggers, etc.) would take the time to actually read their constitution and not blow it more out of proportion than they already have, they'd see that this is nothing new and they'd stop exacerbating the problem.

My entire point yet again was why it's just now being brought to light when it's been going on for over 70 years? I've never been to Ireland either but I knew at least a little about their culture and laws there. I don't think it's asking too much for the media to report responsibly.
However old this law or legislation is, it doesn't change the fact that it's nothing short of fucking ludicrous. We're into the 21st century here and we're talking about a democratic, western european country, not the middle east. Norway needs to invade now with a shitton of black and white face makeup and spiked wristguards, not to mention enough leather to wipe out their entire population of cattle. Maybe the politicians over there didn't listen to enough Burzum or Xasthur to appreciate blasphemy at its finest...
Overblown reactions are the order of the day.

People in Ireland have been getting offended by other folks religious (or non religious) views for a long time now.
Norway needs to invade now with a shitton of black and white face makeup and spiked wristguards, not to mention enough leather to wipe out their entire population of cattle. Maybe the politicians over there didn't listen to enough Burzum or Xasthur to appreciate blasphemy at its finest...
Xasthur is from california, ass
I disagree with the whole lot of this mess, but let's take a step back for a second and analyze this rationally.

I want to re-iterate that this isn't like it was before, where the law was mainly built around Christianity. This time, it's covering all religions. So all the metalheads around the world with their knee-jerk reactions of being offended by this really have no leg to stand on *unless* they're offended by the sole act of censorship as a whole, and not because their pagan/satanic/atheist beliefs are being trampled upon. Because plain and simple, they're not. The new law affects every single religion, no matter the religion or even lack thereof, and it protects every single religion from slander, bigotry, and blasphemy no matter which religion.

That means that Christians can't call Satanists baby-killing devil-worshippers and Satanists can't call Christians retarded sheep.

The only problem I have with all of this is that the act of censorship in any form prevents any sort of dialogue between people or groups, and as a result, prevents people from learning about each other and correcting false opinions. The entire reason we have free speech is to learn from each other. Being forced to be nice to each other isn't going to make preconceived notions go away; they'll just sit and fester. Prejudices against certain people or groups won't go away unless people can be honest with each other, both speaking and listening, and that's why I'm offended, not because it's religious.

People hear the word "blasphemy" because their favorite black metal band screams it and automatically think that it only affects Christianity, when that's not the case here. It affects everyone.

The issue of free speech being taken away is a much bigger issue than the issue around which the free speech is being taken.
My understanding is that the Irish constitution requires such a law, and this was drafted to plug the hole. I also think it won't stand too long. Further to that, the reaction to this has been way, way over the top.
I think it has been as well. Like I said, I think the media is interpreting it in one way without giving the entire story surrounding it. There's nothing in any of the mainstream media's coverage about the history of this, why it was brought about, and exactly how it's going to be implemented. It has been presented as, "Yep. You can't disagree with someone's religion or else you have to pay a 25,000 euro fine!!!", when that's really not the case.

I mean, I remember when Life of Brian was banned in Ireland. So do people really think that no one watched Life of Brian during all those years in Ireland?

"Marijuana is illegal in the US!!!! OMG you mean we can't smoke weed anymore?!?!?!?"

Well, you never could legally smoke weed in the US...I don't see any shortage of potheads, though. This point will be lost on most people, though.

I'm more upset over the reasons why they chose to renew this law, rather than the law itself. I completely disagree with it, but it's not like Ireland is being turned upside down or anything. Now Americans are going to think there are leprechauns who can't criticize other people's religion in a destitute country made up of only potato farms and Guinness, instead of thinking Ireland just being a destitute country made up of potato farms, leprechauns, and Guinness.

That was just silly sarcasm and not meant to offend or upset anyone.