Ireland Makes Blasphemy Illegal

I don't see how pointing out that Xasthur is from california deteriorates my aforementioned point or argument. I said norway should invade ireland, and the ministers there (watch out now people - a SECOND AND SEPARATE train of thought is about to commence) didn't listen to Burzum or Xasthur enough. Learn to read properly, or fuck off and stop wasting my time you little cockstruzels. Lunar, how does one manage to assess and classify the sexual orientation of a post? DW, from what I read I think that Atheists and Satanists/Pagans are the ones being fucked over here the most, and that it's not really equal amongst all frames of mind... But I digress, as usual.
Craysh, you act like Satanists, Atheists, and Pagans got a fair shake in the first place. It's not like they were living in their lofty towers, adored by the masses. For them, I just see more of the same...which is bad, but it's definitely not worse than it already was.

This just goes to show how when the media blows something out of proportion, the entire world gets up in arms about something that ONE WEEK AGO they knew absolutely nothing about. And not only that, it had already been in place for decades. This is what people mean when they say that Americans tend to live in a bubble...but Americans get a bad rap for this. The entire world is like that in reality.
I don't see how pointing out that Xasthur is from california deteriorates my aforementioned point or argument. I said norway should invade ireland, and the ministers there (watch out now people - a SECOND AND SEPARATE train of thought is about to commence) didn't listen to Burzum or Xasthur enough. Learn to read properly, or fuck off and stop wasting my time you little cockstruzels. Lunar, how does one manage to assess and classify the sexual orientation of a post? DW, from what I read I think that Atheists and Satanists/Pagans are the ones being fucked over here the most, and that it's not really equal amongst all frames of mind... But I digress, as usual.

This one was even gayer.
I'll continue discussing this subject further one of you actually manages to scrounge up the mental capacity to point out something that legitimately contests what I have to say instead of all you douchewrecks sucking each other's phalli off for 18 hours a day.
If you don't get the scene, just ask. I make point A or B, because I feel like it. It could be anything, sarcastic or serious or just plain dumb, doesn't matter. After that's done, I play devil's advocate because a) I can, b) I still firmly believe that anything anyone says holds just as much weight as anything else if supported enough, and c) that just gets me off, plain and simple. You don't dig my jive, then don't reply with even dumber and more moot conclusions. No one's here to change anyone's principles or persona in general, so just go fucking nuts, goddammit!