I'm schecter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benny H said:
Congrats. I got a Damien 7 a few months ago and I like it very much. I'd like to try one of these though.. I wonder how they compare, playing wise.

Well I don't really like the schecter "cheap" line, I mean I tried a 006 and an omen, man I tell you that for few extra buck you got an amazing guitar that can be as good as a gibson (well gibson are better but really overpriced)
Blackjack series and Hellraiser are really better than the cheap line, really different.

Moonlapse said:
Ahh, we're all a bunch of Loomis wannabes :lol:

I know this isn't serious but anyway.. I'm still gonna go on the record and say that I didn't even know who Loomis was until I started frequenting this forum.

Sure as hell ain't why I got a Schecter.

Nice axe man, I love my Hellraiser C7 too! Looks like Schecter is bringing back the 7-string. More and more metal bands seem to be going to production models rather than obscure custom 7's, heh. Merry XMas guys.

kaomao said:
here http://search.ebay.it/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZphoenixguitarizona

549 Eur for a guitar that here costs 1200 Eur
I even paid 6.7 Dollars for a shipping insurance but this guy sent me the guitar with no insurance!
I mean that's the only thing I didn't like about him, I told him but I don't know if he will refund me that few bucks, if I knew it I wouldn't have paid for an insurance, 6.7 dollars are not changing my life but that's something about respect for others people.
Anyway he's a good guy to deal with, very cheap and the guitar is a brand new one in mint condition.


1200€? If you order it from alex@ppc-music.de (http://www.ppc-music.de) you get it, first hand, for less than 900€ with ports already included. However, they take 3 months to get it shipped over tho.
Nostalgiaplatz said:
1200€? If you order it from alex@ppc-music.de (http://www.ppc-music.de) you get it, first hand, for less than 900€ with ports already included. However, they take 3 months to get it shipped over tho.

Thanks so much ! I'll check it out!
anyway I paid with all postage, customs, fees etc etc just 610 euros, not bad!


EDIT: hey that website is just in german :( I don't read german actually!!!
I had played the great guitar here depicted and even though I still prefer EMG on a metal guitar I must say that's very sweet an instrument!!!

Good choice Maurìz!!!