I'm selling THE Kata shirt...


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
Alrighty all you die hard collectors, here's your chance to own one of the rarest pieces of Kata merch:


One of the 11 original shirts pressed when Katatonia first formed. I bought it from a very close friend of the band a while back, and it's remained tucked safely away in my closet ever since. Never worn, and kept safe. I'll post more pics upon request. If you doubt the authenticity of it, ask Reece, I sent it to him once lol
Meh...It's passion fellas. One of 11!! Think about it...to own one of those shirts. Ask yourself this: Can you put a dollar value on having a piece of memorablilia of one of your favorite bands?? Be it a guitar pick or a worn out, crotch rotten thong from '06 (Reece?) :lol:

That being said I can't afford it anyways lol
Meh...It's passion fellas.

what ever happened to crazy?!?!

The great thing about Ebay is that one may scoff at the price of some shirt from the early ninties while another may stand in awe of their chance to own a valuable artifact of the past. :)