I'm sorry, but the Kayo Dot CD sucks.


New Metal Member
May 9, 2003
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Anybody else feel this way about the new Kayo Crap CD? It's so goddamn boring and uninspired, and I loved Maudlin of the Well. It's like the members of Maudlin of the Well decided to take all their worst ideas and make a new band based on them. The songs are way too long, nothing exciting happens in any of them, and no matter how hard I try I just don't like this album. I feel it's a huge disappointment for all Maudlin of the Well fans, because let's face it, the music is not all that different, it just sucks. Why bother breaking up a band to just make a more boring horrible version of the band you broke up??
Jerkface said:
The songs are way too long, nothing exciting happens in any of them, and no matter how hard I try I just don't like this album. I feel it's a huge disappointment for all Maudlin of the Well fans, because let's face it, the music is not all that different, it just sucks.

do you speak for all muslims, as well?
well the one person who really doesn't like it compared against all the people who have either written to us or talked to us after shows to tell us how much they absolutely loved it is a pretty good ratio to me.

we can't please everyone
Could you go into a bit more detail?

I ask only because so far you're the only person I've talked to who really doesn't like the album and I'm interested in what you have to say about it.
Well we felt we'd had about had it up to *here* of making good albums and getting good press, and therefore decided to just throw something together out of all our worst ideas (like you said!) to experience what "the common man" has to deal with every day - the banality of unremarkable existence.

For further information, please direct your attention to the following: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=128377
avi said:
why does someone go so far out of their way to tell a band that they hate their record? that doesn't make sense to me.
i have a couple theories:

1. they really just hate the record and feel disappointed by the band-this the most logical explanation to me.

2. maybe to try and get us to respond angrily so that they can tell people we are ego-maniacal assholes who can't take criticism-this is the more negative theory.

Luckily, we prepared ourselves mentally for people not liking the new album, or at least i did so this kind of stuff doesn't phase me.
No dummy, I'm not a troll. Does it baffle you that someone doesn't feel the need to kiss the ass of every band on the Ultimate Metal forum like you do?

Well I'm not telling everybody I don't like the album to get everyone angry. I was seeing if other people didn't like too. I figured somebody out there wouldn't like it, but I guess everybody is a kiss-up and likes everything a band ever puts out, regardless if they put out pointless music that goes nowhere and trys to put the listener into a deep sleep. Maudlin of the Well wrote songs, Kayo Dot does not. That's why I don't like Kayo Dot.
Jerkface said:
Maudlin of the Well wrote songs, Kayo Dot does not.
You know, I agree with that. They don't write songs. Not in the usual sense of the word anyway. But that's one of the reasons I like CotE so much.
yeah we totally went in the opposite direction of writing taditional songs on this one but also we never really wrote very many traditionally structured songs in the past.

hey jerkface if you don't like the album its fine by me. that sentiment would sound so much meaner if your username wasn't actually "jerkface." :)

i mean the music we wrote for the album is obviously very meaningful to us and very important to us and we wanted it to be heard otherwise we wouldn't have released it so if you disagree with our choice of what we feel is important music than that is cool.

however, if you are trying to imply that its bad just because we chose to do something different than "the norm" then we might have a problem here. well not a problem really as much as a difference in ideaologies about music.