"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to break your leg"


Mikey B Nasty
Apr 15, 2008
New York

Bas Rutten: This guy is my hero.
"Ok, I'm sorry.....BANG! BANG! BANG! No I'm not!"
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It the beginning I found it kinda funny...then I slowly started to realize that this guy is talking seriously and it's not some kind of parody and I started to feel kinda sad... then I got over it and it got funny again:lol:.

This guy has some issues. What's the point of this?
It was supposed to be survival/self-defense instructional video, but this guy definitely gets too much enjoyment out of injuring people.
The sound effects are key though: "BANG! BAM! BONG! Diggity Diggity DANG!" :lol:
Bas is also an actor, and a good one at that. He doesn't take himself too seriously. If you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you.

Bas is one of my favorite fighters ever. Not in his superior abilities or anything but his attitude, his stories and his teaching are all great. Only thing I never got was his thing with Slice. I couldn't wrap my head around that Chinese riddle.
Bas is also an actor, and a good one at that. He doesn't take himself too seriously. If you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you.

Oh I know its all in good fun, I just love his sense of humor and the sounds he makes. I also watched a bunch of his fights on youtube the other day, the man is a wrecking machine. He would be the last guy I'd start a bar fight (or any fight at all) with.
My comment was at Keregioz not you.

He was a great fighter.

Well, sorry then...seems I've seen too many stupid people on the internet and can't tell them apart anymore...
I'm not familiar at all with this guy, if you say he is kidding around then I believe you. But having seen far worst stuff on the internet it wasn't so far fetched to assume he wasn't.
Well, sorry then...seems I've seen too many stupid people on the internet and can't tell them apart anymore...
I'm not familiar at all with this guy, if you say he is kidding around then I believe you. But having seen far worst stuff on the internet it wasn't so far fetched to assume he wasn't.

I didn't mean for that to be offensive at all. I was just trying to point it out that he's a really good actor, and a lot of his roles involve comedic situations, and it's apparently just a part of his personality as demonstrated in the vid.

Believe me I've seen the Youtube fucktardz and I know what you mean.

NOT TO MENTION. This video is spliced up to FUCK to bring out all the funny parts.
We use the quote "create space, and grab a chair" all the time in school as well as a load of other random bas rutten phrases. He is awesome.

Man what kinda bars did this guy work at? And what bars do people hang out at where they need to study this vid? hahaha