i'm totally going to newbury comics today to buy the new kayo dot

jk rowling said she has to buy the harry potter book sometimes when she needs to look up a fact and is nearer to a bookstore than home.

what does she do with it then? give it to a homeless guy?
My Death Metal/Euro Pop runs score me snide NBC clerk comments or glances sometimes. So when they don't remark on truly awesome purchases it kinda cheeses me off. So picking up shit i helped on... anything short of a fucking parade makes me want to hurt. Mind you my roles thus far have been like snack assistance on track 12 for unreleased disc from forgotten doom band, distorted noise often mistaken for airplane on track 4, and joining band to fill in for guy who was supposed to record parts but got lost on way to studio. Wonder how it's going to be once my new band releases the next one. Of course I plan on quitting the moment someone more qualified hints they want my position.
Even though I downloaded the leak, the second the album got to my house it's been played 20 times in a row. It helps me when I try to read manga in Japanese in order to level-up my weeaboo stats.