I'm whoring my band, goddammit!!!

I actually really dug that man :kickass:
Pretty interesting and unique sound you got there. Usually I dislike music with a lot of keys/electronics, but I liked the use there. Heh, your vocalist sounds almost exactly like Ihsahn, only more insane and zany, which is definitely a good thing. Kudos. I'd definitely be interested in further recordings. myspace adddedlolz.
Tell him that!!!! I keep telling him he's got a good black-ish metal voice and he's just like, "noooooooo" lol. Thanks for the adds and compliments. The original sounds much better than the myspace. New tracks being posted soon.

Thanks again!
I really like this. What was your recording set up? Did you use a regular keyboard for the keyboard sounds?

Yer not gonna believe this. He used a fuckin' midi keyboard and Reason 3 in his fuckin' basement on his computer for the synths. The guitar is Amplitude...the only live instrument on the recording are the drums and vocals. He did everything completely alone, recorded every instrument, vox, everything. Now that I'm in the band it's a lot more "live" sounding because of my Peavey 6505, which is how we want it. He wanted the album to be frigid cold and precise; like a cross between Samael and Fear Factory with a little black-ish metal stuff in there. But live it sounds fucking great. Looking for a singer, bassist, and programmer/keyboardist if anyone's interested. We can do without the bassist and keys right now for live; we'll just use a sequencer, but we absolutely need a frontman.

Thanks for the compliments!
nice samples in the beginning. wtf is your keyboardist using? really nice choir sounds. the drums don't have enough punch to them but damn he's good.

awesome stuff, ill get the album when it comes out.
My only complaint is with the mix. Guitars need some more baaalls man.

Yeah, I said the same thing...they're all amplitude...but it was done on a serious budget. But live, my Peavey 6505 cuts through everything. He told me he wants a bigger, badder guitar sound live, which we have now. He's been doing this album for like 10 years all by himself, and he didn't have the money for amps and shit. He recorded it with his Tama double bass kit, his only guitar which is an ESP Explorer, and Amplitude. We're in the writing process for the next album, and it will be much more live and up-front guitar sounding, but still very cold.
Hmm, not bad. His voice reminds me a lot of Shagrath at times (which isn't bad). Max is right, the guitars needs more nuts but I think the drums do too. You say the drums are live? They don't sound like it. Why go to all the trouble of recording drums live just to make them sound exactly like a machine? They sound like plastic forks bouncing off a cafeteria table. But this is really my only complaint.

Great performances and the music is really cool and atmospheric. Wish more bands would go for something like that rather than just throwing riffs together and calling it a song. And Skylab is a great name as well... don't ever change it!

Good shit man, keep it up!

Edit: Everything you're saying about using amps for a more up front sound and stuff is great. This makes me even more interested! I think some big fat guitars and a thunderous drum tone would make this shit sound significantly better than it already does.
Hmm, not bad. His voice reminds me a lot of Shagrath at times (which isn't bad). Max is right, the guitars needs more nuts but I think the drums do too. You say the drums are live? They don't sound like it. Why go to all the trouble of recording drums live just to make them sound exactly like a machine? They sound like plastic forks bouncing off a cafeteria table. But this is really my only complaint.

Great performances and the music is really cool and atmospheric. Wish more bands would go for something like that rather than just throwing riffs together and calling it a song. And Skylab is a great name as well... don't ever change it!

Good shit man, keep it up!

Edit: Everything you're saying about using amps for a more up front sound and stuff is great. This makes me even more interested! I think some big fat guitars and a thunderous drum tone would make this shit sound significantly better than it already does.

He's a mini Nick Barker, both in style and ability. He's so cold and clinical and he wanted this album to be almost inhuman. We agreed that the next album needed to be a little more linear and a little more human. I'm thinking guitars along the lines of Gojira and Anaal Nathrakh. That was also my reservation about the album at first was that it lacked warmth and feeling, but then it kinda grew on me after that and I embraced it. I know exactly what you're saying, though. I think he spent like 3000 euros for studio time, that's it. That was over the past several years, too, whenever he had time to work on it.

I can't wait to play this stuff live. I'm still learning a couple of songs to perfect them, but live is going to be killer. Now if we could just find the rest of the band...(hint hint) :)