I'm writing songs for the new Arch Enemy album

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
I thought the guys and girl in AE would be tired after all of touring they have been doing so I thought that I would write their next album for them so they don't have to! Here is a track, without vocals at the moment, but I'll get those down tommorow or something.


In all seriousness though I jammed this one out, improvising as I went. Me and a friend were talking about Arch Enemy, and I just got an urge to jam out some melodic riffs! So I wrote a riff, recorded it three seconds later, dubbed it, wrote another riff, etc. The solo was a one take improv, so whatever. I could probably do better, but then it wouldn't be a one take would it? ENTHEFUCKJOY! :headbang:
Obviously production is kinda low...but this was improved and in the moment! Really tight song! Deserves some hi quality production and attention. Again, really tight dude.
Thanks! What in partcular didn't you like about the production if I may ask?

EDIT: Well obviously it didn't sound OMGAMZING but thats simply becuse I'm not a very good producer! But if you had some constructive criticism I'd be glad to hear it!
cool fucking riffs! :headbang: sounds more like maiden than arch enemy though. and there is one riff right before the chorus i guess that rips off racer x - technical difficulties just a little bit :)

overall, badass!
Well the technical difficulties one is one of those riffs that has been done a million fucking times! DT, IF, maiden, everyone has had a one-nighter with that one. Not to mention every metalcore band from here to sirius! That damn slut.
Thanks! What in partcular didn't you like about the production if I may ask?

EDIT: Well obviously it didn't sound OMGAMZING but thats simply becuse I'm not a very good producer! But if you had some constructive criticism I'd be glad to hear it!

I could point out what could sound better but that's purdy darn obvious and I would have no way of telling you how to fix it. I suck at producing myself, comparatively speaking, so any criticism would be kinda baseless.

For all intents and purposes, your song rocked. Album ready? No. But that wasn't the point either.