Image question.


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2009
I recently got into an argument with the other members of my band because they didn't feel I fit into the Metal image. They said my style was, "Jocky"? I look like a hockey player and they want my image to suit the bands best interest. My rebuttal, and I made it clear I was in displeasure, was that it shouldn't matter what I wear when we play, it should be about the music. They then argued that I am contradicting the music by dressing in the norm. It ended with me saying well if everyone dresses the part for Metal it will be the norm if it is not already and I walked out with a big fuck you.

Looking for opinions on the matter. Should I cave? I could if it came to an ultimatum I guess, I love metal more than I do what's hanging in my closet. I just don't think it's that important.
erm, it shouldnt matter. however it helps with credibility. fans see guys who look "metal" and they subconciously give them more respect.

i just wear band shirts to shows, but i do that every day.
Go to your next practice in full on Viking attire (sword, shield, the whole 9 yards) and then mock them for being pussies and not wearing viking attire....

or you could just leave.
Sounds like your in a band full of retards. I'd quit.

Pretty much.
I mean, personally I do grow my hear, wear a beard, and wear band shirts, but there's no reason I should have to. That said you should wear a band shirt to shows.
That said you should wear a band shirt to shows.

Why's that? And do you mean a shirt of the band that's playing? Because unless you buy it at the show that always seems really gay to me, just like bands wearing their own shirts. I AM NUMBER ONE FAN. >OOOOOOO
I'm talking about if you're in the band.
And never wear your own shirt. Just tasteless. Iron Maiden are major offenders here.
And I never wear the shirt of the band that's playing, unless they're an opener and could actually use the support. If you're in the audience you don't need to wear a band shirt, but it is the custom.
Well we made a compromise. I just have to wear T's. Also I grew a beard over the last few days, well have a nice base to one. Then yesterday in the midst of practicing I quit and took the drummer with me. Compromise.
Every person on the planet plays guitar, and anyone who can play guitar can fill a bass spot (playing bass well is hard, but playing bass adequately is incredibly easy - root of the chord and everyone's happy except the bassist stuck in the corner picking the same 3 notes for a half hour).
If your band-mates are looking to present an image then you should join in with them. Unless your a laid back bar band then you dont need to look the part. Your playing in front of raving metal heads and want to kick ass and look like your the part as a band. If you like a specific team or whatever your interests put a sticker on your instrument.

Besides there is no reason you cant change into your jersey before and after the show.
I recently got into an argument with the other members of my band because they didn't feel I fit into the Metal image. They said my style was, "Jocky"? I look like a hockey player and they want my image to suit the bands best interest. My rebuttal, and I made it clear I was in displeasure, was that it shouldn't matter what I wear when we play, it should be about the music. They then argued that I am contradicting the music by dressing in the norm. It ended with me saying well if everyone dresses the part for Metal it will be the norm if it is not already and I walked out with a big fuck you.

Looking for opinions on the matter. Should I cave? I could if it came to an ultimatum I guess, I love metal more than I do what's hanging in my closet. I just don't think it's that important.

I think the word here is "compromise".
Truth is that fans generally likes to see some sort of "team spirit" in a band rather than 3-5 individuals doing their own thing for their own purposes.
Not saying that all should wear uniform-like outfits, some may get away with it but it's not a standard, if You ask me.
True is also that it SHOULD be about the music, theory is that it's more about the package it's delivered in.
So...if I were You, I'd try to find a way to mix my own choice of wardrobe with something that fits the package...wish Ya'll the best!