Imagika available at Walmart?!?!?

This is cool in a weird way for me! I don't shop Walmart because they support and do acts of censorship. But, they have the Imagika ASIB CD available on their online store... Of all places right? They list the titles too! I would think that would damn it for sure from Walmart. But there it is in all it's glory! Maybe the person that stocks CD’s on Walmart's site is a fan. Who know's... I got a kick out of this though.

Here's the link:
Imagikadrummer said:
This is cool in a weird way for me! I don't shop Walmart because they support and do acts of censorship. But, they have the Imagika ASIB CD available on their online store... Of all places right? They list the titles too! I would think that would damn it for sure from Walmart. But there it is in all it's glory! Maybe the person that stocks CD’s on Walmart's site is a fan. Who know's... I got a kick out of this though.

Here's the link:
Who knows. Sam Walton might be a huge fan. ;) Well, I have to shop at Wal-Mart for financial reasons. I found they're cheaper than Target. But, then again, I have heard bad stuff about Target, too....Guess I can't win. Maybe I should stick with Big Lots. ;)