Report: Opeth loses

Walmart makes me very sad for my country. It is quite possibly, the most depressing place ever. Watching white trash people milling about looking at cheap crap under harsh flourescent lighting while being ignored by overweight and underpaid Jerry Springer-esque employees who work for five of the richest people in America ($20 billion net worth each)--yet who insist on paying their employees so little that many must live on public assistance to make ends meet while engaging in predatory pricing to annihilate Main Street and insisting on cost cutting in its suppliers that gives them no choice but to make their products overseas in Chinese sweatshops with no environmental regulations makes me want to impale myself on a pitchfork.

Get Opeth's album online if you can't find a decent store.
They have the new Opeth here.. but then again, for some reason over the last couple years we have been mysteriously getting a lot of metal.. (Amon Amarth, DImmu, Old Mans Child, Deicide, Obituary, Mercyful Fate, iced earth, Dark Tranquility, Borknagar, etc, etc...

Risquit said:
Walmart makes me very sad for my country. It is quite possibly, the most depressing place ever. Watching white trash people milling about looking at cheap crap under harsh flourescent lighting while being ignored by overweight and underpaid Jerry Springer-esque employees who work for five of the richest people in America ($20 billion net worth each)--yet who insist on paying their employees so little that many must live on public assistance to make ends meet while engaging in predatory pricing to annihilate Main Street and insisting on cost cutting in its suppliers that gives them no choice but to make their products overseas in Chinese sweatshops with no environmental regulations makes me want to impale myself on a pitchfork.

Get Opeth's album online if you can't find a decent store.

Amen, dude! :rock:
^^exactly... Mr. Bungle gets it right...^^
Walmart sucks moose cock in hell.
I would only enter one if I were in distress--which I have on 2 occasions.
[For sunglasses while visiting Montana 'cause I had to drive someplace and it was really bright out and then once for an air mattress pump in Maine at around 1am after trying inflate an air matress with a bike pump. I was pretty shocked at that one--it was enormous and open 24hours!]
the biggest laugh of my summer: i worked at wal-mart.

in total i earned about $2000, doing 'remodel' aka breaking shit, throwing things in the dumpster, and spray painting.
Hahaha....this thread is dumb as hell.

Who the fuck cares if it's available at Wal Mart???

Fuck Wal Mart

And yes, GR did sell more than the new Nevermore it's first debuted at #64 on the Billboard charts. Not bad for a band that writes 10 minute songs and get's no airplay.
Speaking of popularity"The Wherehouse" music store in my area actually has a Metal section now. This was un-heard of in a trendy record shop since 1993.

Just thought I'd mention.
deliverance said:
report: oinkness loses at life


If it makes Oinky feel any better, the Wal-Mart in my hometown had about 3 copies of GR in stock. But really, who gives a shit if Wal-Mart has it or not?
A better topic than Opeth "losing" because of being sold at Wal-Mart is this:

Why are you giving your money to a store that forces record companies / movie distributors to edit material to be specifically sold in thier stores?

The store is a goddamn joke, and a huge burden on the US economy, so stop fucking supporting it.