Immediate help needed, upgraded Pro Tools 8 to 9 and now I haven't got the 8 license!

Really sorry to make a new thread for this, really, but it's a bit of an emergency.

I just bought PT9. Thought I'd upgrade when this album is done, and if it doesn't work, I can always revert to PT8. Well, when I activated the product, Avid website asked from which version was I upgrading from. Naturally, I chose 8. I then downloaded the new license to my iLok, and BOOM, PT8 license is gone and my copy of 8 M-Powered won't launch.


I take frequent Time Machine backups, so I've got all my data safe and I thought I could just go back to 8 if I had problems, but I never expected they'd actually delete my PT8 license, WHICH I HAVE PAID MONEY FOR.

Anyone else repeated my mistake?
Um, that's what happens when you UPGRADE. You're PT8 licence turns into a PT9 licence. Hence why you get the discount.
If you want both then you have to buy PT9 seperately and pay full price.
Getting a discount on 9 AND keeping your 8 licence reeks a bit of having your cake and eating it too. No?
Um, that's what happens when you UPGRADE. You're PT8 licence turns into a PT9 licence. Hence why you get the discount.
If you want both then you have to buy PT9 seperately and pay full price.
Getting a discount on 9 AND keeping your 8 licence reeks a bit of having your cake and eating it too. No?

That's not what happened when I upgraded from 7 to 8. I got to keep the license for 7, so I pretty much assumed that's how it would go now, too.
Um, that's what happens when you UPGRADE. You're PT8 licence turns into a PT9 licence. Hence why you get the discount.
If you want both then you have to buy PT9 seperately and pay full price.
Getting a discount on 9 AND keeping your 8 licence reeks a bit of having your cake and eating it too. No?

Avid must be the only company that do things this way,
for example, my Ableton Live 8 license, i still have all the licenses that it was upgraded incrementally through, going all the way back to version 4.
It's a fucking three story brick house. Haven't had such a cold sweat in quite a while.
:lol: Paramore's song "brick by boring brick" just got a whole new dimension.
Avid must be the only company that do things this way,
for example, my Ableton Live 8 license, i still have all the licenses that it was upgraded incrementally through, going all the way back to version 4.
I crossgraded from Logic Express 8 to Logic Studio 9 and I can still use the old version if I want to. I never had a iLok license (just the MBox), but I wanted to keep PT 8, just in case.. and the installation of PT9 deleted everything.. ghey.