Immolation - Unholy Cult

Aug 26, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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I purchased this cd today, a rather hasty purchase because i needed to get out of the store. I have never heard Immolation before but i have heard this cd reccomended many times so i decided to get it.

What do you all think of this cd? i just listened to it then and it didn't seem to live up to the praise i have heard placed on it. I'm not really a fan of this style of DM, but i'll give it more listens and it might grow on me.

dirty_sandwich666 said:
I'm not really a fan of this style of DM, but i'll give it more listens and it might grow on me.
Sorry, never been really interested. To me, Immolation are one of the few bands that just never made it. You know, they've been around for ages now, but while bands like Malevolent Creation, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse, who were kind of second choice upon the time of their beginnings, managed to set their marks during the past decade, Immolation stayed rather insignificant. I'd say make a copy of it if you still hope for it to grow on you and return the CD and try to get something of more interest instead. And don't let people rush you - in the end it's their profit lost when you walk out of the store with your money still in your pockets.
great album. its a very nice change in pace i think. one cant have constant blast beats all the time! it gets into alot of dissonance, which i like, and it isnt all fast. variety in music is a nice thing, especially when you have alot of bands doing nothing but blast beats all the time. not that i dont listen to that, but i think what immolation is doing is a great change in pace. sort of a middle point between "brutal" DM and black metal. when i want somthing dark but not as melodic as emperor.
I enjoy Unholy Cult, but it's not my favourite death album, in general or by them. It definately has a gestation period in your head, but i'd say it's worthy of anyone's collection. The contrast they have between awkward riffs and rhythms, and epic, sweeping, dark melodies is quite interesting to me.
It is a good CD, but not one of my favorites. They often use strange offbeat rhythms, so that it sounds like some of the notes are being played a split second too late or something. The main riff to the first track is a good example of this. In addition to the wierd rhythms, they use lots of dissonant chords. These aspects of the music make it less appealing to me than more straightforward death metal such as Nile or Suffocation.
Yes, i see what you all mean about the dissonant chords and rhythms, i think this is why it didnt really grasp me at first listen. iv'e heard it a few more times now, and its a rather 'dark' sounding record. It will definatley grow on me :)

oh yeah, DrillSergeant, i hurried because i was with my girl and she was feeling sick and the store was fuckin hot inside hahha. Don't want a vomit scene :)
DrillSergeant said:
Sorry, never been really interested. To me, Immolation are one of the few bands that just never made it. You know, they've been around for ages now, but while bands like Malevolent Creation, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse, who were kind of second choice upon the time of their beginnings, managed to set their marks during the past decade, Immolation stayed rather insignificant. I'd say make a copy of it if you still hope for it to grow on you and return the CD and try to get something of more interest instead. And don't let people rush you - in the end it's their profit lost when you walk out of the store with your money still in your pockets.
How are they insignificant? They've released twice as many good albums as the three bands you listed put together. The only mark Cannibal Corpse set was the 'how to be boring, generic shite' mark.
Immolation is very underrated. Unholy Cult is a great album, but I think their best is Close to a World Below. You can't really go wrong with any of their releases though.
Guardian of Darkness said:
How are they insignificant? They've released twice as many good albums as the three bands you listed put together. The only mark Cannibal Corpse set was the 'how to be boring, generic shite' mark.
Like I said, this is my personal opinion. I can't help it - to me they're just a small fish in the big shark pool. Of course, this is only my view but I admit that I might be affected by the public opinion dominating in my corner of the world. Here in Germany Deicide, Malevolent Creation and especially Cannibal Corpse are much bigger than Immolation ever were. As for the latter ones this could be a result of the fact, that they have serious problems with censorship. Sometimes I get the feeling that their albums are already censored even before they've seen the light of day. Hmm, now that I think about it, this is actually the truth! Long live fascism! :loco: Anyway, whatever it might be, I can't help finding Immolation rather uninteresting.
Life Sucks said:
It is a good CD, but not one of my favorites. They often use strange offbeat rhythms, so that it sounds like some of the notes are being played a split second too late or something. The main riff to the first track is a good example of this. In addition to the wierd rhythms, they use lots of dissonant chords. These aspects of the music make it less appealing to me than more straightforward death metal such as Nile or Suffocation.

Those aspects make it more appealing to me.
DrillSergeant said:
Like I said, this is my personal opinion. I can't help it - to me they're just a small fish in the big shark pool. Of course, this is only my view but I admit that I might be affected by the public opinion dominating in my corner of the world. Here in Germany Deicide, Malevolent Creation and especially Cannibal Corpse are much bigger than Immolation ever were.
Linkin Park are big here.
They are one of those bands that you have to closely to the music and once you get the song they grow on you. I love this album, it's not as good as Close to A World Below, but it is very good. Like someone said a good change of pace from normal death metal with constant blasts and boring riffs.
I think it´s pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary though. I really don´t like this style of dm but as mentioned before, it´s pretty good.
Immolation is a subtle band, I appreciate that. I also appreciate that every album they ever released still stands as a classic.

The relationship between popularity and quality is inverse if anything.
Immolation is just one of those death metal bands that never appealed to me, just like Morbid Angel and Death never struck a nerve with me. They aren't bad by any means, just not my thing.

I prefer Suffocation, Carcass, Bolt Thrower, and The Chasm.
Who cares about popularity, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse might be some of the most popular in DM but they also make some of the most boring,unispired least creative music in Death Metal. Deicide is the like the Backstreet Boys of death metal.

Immolation makes shitloads better cds than they ever will.
Living Inside said:
Who cares about popularity, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse might be some of the most popular in DM but they also make some of the most boring,unispired least creative music in Death Metal. Deicide is the like the Backstreet Boys of death metal.

Immolation makes shitloads better cds than they ever will.
Yeah popularity doesn't mean shit. Let's not forget that Six Feet Under is basically the most popular death metal band at the moment, though most people who listen to them aren't death metal fans.
hehe, Living Inside, Demiurge said the relationship was inverse; he probably agrees with you. You seem to think he said the relationship was directly proportional or something.

For the most part, i'd agree, but there's always exceptions.