Favorite Immolation album

I can't really decide. But for my favorite Immolation album, it's between either DoP, FFG, CTAWB, UC. Here in After is great, but to me it just doesn't stand up to the others.
LordFireworm said:
Hey champ, your band is generic and bland.
Way to go!

Hey champ, we're a high school band that's been together for 2 years. Immolation ISNT.

Ever heard Vehemence when they were young? They sucked too. What kind of point are you trying to make. Are you trying to say I'm not allowed to have an opinion because I'm in a band? mmmk
Funeral Portrait said:
Hey champ, we're a high school band that's been together for 2 years. Immolation ISNT.

Ever heard Vehemence when they were young? They sucked too. What kind of point are you trying to make. Are you trying to say I'm not allowed to have an opinion because I'm in a band? mmmk
Of course you're allowed to have an opinion.
However it still sounds ridiculous that you're knocking a band who are widely regarded as innovative and progressive while you and your bandmates are steadily rising the tide of shit.
Immolation's first album came out while they were 19 and 20, and is still sought after.
Good day.
Funeral Portrait said:
and that bald guitar player is a total fag on stage.

I do however have Close to a World Below, and while it isn't the worst CD I've heard, I've maybe listened to a total of 5 songs off it and wasn't impressed. Only reason I bought it was because it was 6 bucks at a used CD store.
Not liking a band because of what their guitar player looks like is the stupidist thing I've ever heard.....and Immolation's music takes more than one listen to get into....maybe they are just too deep/complex for you...
Demiurge said:
OMG it's a stupid metal kiddie with a lame garage band. Hi2u :worship:
lol in all seriousness why do you hate my band so much, just cuz i dont like immolation? last time i heard so much dissing on a band it was limp bizkit everyone was talkin about.. :cry:
Haha "when they were young" dood if you thought you heard what you heard, from the hour long video we released within the disc. with the in the room band kid footage, you should hear the white vehemence tape, I got hooked to it, one of the reasons i joined Vehemence and their live preformance, but the vocals, oh man the vocals were gawd awful, think napalm death/old entombed, semi clean/growling vocals, we all thought so as well looking back at that 1997 era. practice makes perfect!

oh yah.

Here and After, very good album. classic!
