Favorite Immolation album

I haven't heard all of them, just Unholy Cult, Dawn of Possesion, and Close to a World Below, and Close to a World Below gets my vote. It's probably in my top 10 most played metal albums.

Was Unholy Cult their last (final) album?
I think Immolation is kinda gay. Their "evilness" sounds forced and fake, and that bald guitar player is a total fag on stage.

I do however have Close to a World Below, and while it isn't the worst CD I've heard, I've maybe listened to a total of 5 songs off it and wasn't impressed. Only reason I bought it was because it was 6 bucks at a used CD store.
originally posted by Funeral Portrait I think Immolation is kinda gay. Their "evilness" sounds forced and fake, and that bald guitar player is a total fag on stage.
Fuck that! There's nothing pretentious about them. Plus I've seen them on several occasions and Bob exhibits not one iota of homosexuality, only extremely well played guitar work.
You should be shot for such blasphemous remarks.
Funeral Portrait said:
I think Immolation is kinda gay. Their "evilness" sounds forced and fake, and that bald guitar player is a total fag on stage.

I do however have Close to a World Below, and while it isn't the worst CD I've heard, I've maybe listened to a total of 5 songs off it and wasn't impressed. Only reason I bought it was because it was 6 bucks at a used CD store.
Hey champ, your band is generic and bland.
Way to go!