Perfect record

Jun 15, 2004
What bands do you think have a perfect record, meaning everything they've released has been excellent. To make it interesting, let's say the band has to have released at least 4 full lengths.

My nominees would be:
Summoning (i didn't like stronghold)
Immolation (i thought unholy cult was weak)
Burzum (this also will be highly debatable)

Here are some i'll throw out for debate:
Gorguts is the band that I always bring up in these sorts of discussions.
Beherit also fits.
Ildjarn would if it weren't for "Landscapes".
Graveland had "Creed of Iron" and "Immortal Pride", which tarnish their record
the new Immolation, "Harnessing Ruin", while still solid, sort of knocks them off of "perfect record" thanks to the cheeseball touches through throughout.
Suffocation would have fallen into this category if they'd have had the good sense to not reform.

oh, and Biker Mice, check your Private Messages.
I thoroughly enjoy everything Graveland has released.

Another could be Blut Aus Nord. Mystical Beast of Rebellion is basically worthless after listening to The Work Which Transforms God, but seeing as I had it before the latter was released it still has some value.

Nothing else comes to mind.
Summoning - I think every full-length they have recorded is at least very good. Stronghold is probably my second or third favourite Summoning album.
Immolation - Ditto. I really like Unholy Cult.
Burzum - Ditto, though Daudi Baldrs is less good than the rest methinks.
Graveland - I find Darken slightly inconsistant, but everything he's done is at least decent.
Gorguts - Can't argue with that.

Beherit? I recall not liking "The Oath of Black Blood" but it's a while since I've heard it.
Blut Aus Nord are let down by "Mystical Beast..." otherwise I'd say them.
The Chasm - all releases are good, though not all are excellent.
Incantation almost fit the bill, but have let us down in recent times.
Nokturnal Mortum, mmm maybe.

Ones I'm not sure about but could fit:

That's pretty much all I can think of for the time being.
Death is an obvious candidate. I love every album they've made despite the fact that their last one failed to match "Human" and "Symbolic" fully.

I would like to say Katatonia as well. I appreciate their doom/death work as much as I like their depressive rock. No album of theirs has ever disappointed me.

Nevermore is another one of those bands. I don't consider "Enemies.." that great but every album before it pretty much owned.

I feel compelled to mention Vader as well. They're the definition of Death Metal consistency. "Litany" and "Revelations" pretty much owned and I'm starting to enjoy "The Beast" as well.
I would agree with Katatonia if it wasn't for Viva Emptiness, which I dislike.

I thoroughly enjoy everything Immortal has released, although I suppose their two latest are one notch below everything else.

Deströyer 666 had spot-free record. Nothing they've done is weak, and apparently, they kick ass live. At least I think so after hearing a bootleg...

And I didn't enjoy Burzum's synth albums, so he's out for me.
Somberlain said:
I thoroughly enjoy everything Graveland has released.

Another could be Blut Aus Nord. Mystical Beast of Rebellion is basically worthless after listening to The Work Which Transforms God, but seeing as I had it before the latter was released it still has some value.

Nothing else comes to mind.

BAN works, yes.
Crimson Velvet said:
I would agree with Katatonia if it wasn't for Viva Emptiness, which I dislike.
Yeah I agree it's definitely a weaker album than the other 3 mellow Katatonia discs. It's a bit too modern. I still think the songwriting works most of the time though.