
Yes. That is their latest CD. It is similar in that it has the trademark odd time signatures and dissonant chords, but it is not as technical and the songs don't flow quite as well IMO. If that is the only Immolation CD that the store has, it is definiltey worth getting. Here In After is really good too.
I've got Unholy Cult and Here In After, both of which are excellent. I'd say Unholy Cult was slightly better though. I've not heard Close To A World Below or Dawn Of Possession yet, though I mean to.
I've got 'Unholy Cult' burned on CD somewhere but never really got into it. I never really got into 'Close To A World Below' when i had it downloaded on my PC. Maybe I should spend some time listening to those albums...
I own Failures for Gods and I never really got into it either, it is something about the flow of music that bothers me. But I will give them more listens.
Immolation are pretty good, but for some reason I never could get into them as much as say Suffocation, Asphyx, Nile, and other brutal death bands.
Immolation often have awkward ryhtms that just don't sound right in their riffs, making it hard to get into. A good example of this is the main riff of Of Martyrs And Men, which kicks in for the first time when the vocals start. Allthough it is musically correct, the timing is wierd, making it sound off, like some of the notes are being played a split second too late or something. I like Immolation a lot, but I can get into brutal death metal with more straightforward crushing rhythms more.
It was actually the stilted and awkward feel of Immolation that made me like them right off the bat. I really like bands that do Immolation have a knack for eerie yet epic riffing (I love Unholy Cult (title track) and Christ's Cage for that reason), and they've got good lyrics.
SculptedCold said:
It was actually the stilted and awkward feel of Immolation that made me like them right off the bat. I really like bands that do Immolation have a knack for eerie yet epic riffing (I love Unholy Cult (title track) and Christ's Cage for that reason), and they've got good lyrics.
Interesting. It is exactly that "stilted and awkward feel" that makes me not like them quite as much as bands such as Nile, Decapitated, Suffocation, etc.. I'm actually listening to Immolation's Unholy Cult right now. Man, the main riff to the first song has a very odd, offbeat rhythm.