Immolation and Suffocation

The Greys said:
Hobbs has nothing on Vigna. Vigna should go down as one of the best lead guitarists ever. His playing is avant-garde as hell. It's rare a guitarist attempts to do something different,creative,well in that way. There is a lot of great guitarists but they sound typical in sounds,playing technique, just very textook, use the same fucking scales,technique's as everyone else in the world.

That's the reason I find Immolation to be better. However, in actual skill level, like technique and such, Terrence is better.
Both bands are great, but I happen to like Suffocation better. One thing I don't like that much about Immolation is how many of their songs don't flow well, and it almost sounds like some of the notes and chords are being played a split second too late sometimes (though I know that they write the songs this way on purpose). A good example of this is the main riff to Of Martyrs and Men. I guess Immolation is just harder to get into because of their awkward sound. It took me a while to get into them, but now I like them a lot. I still prefer straightforward crushing death metal, though.
Immolation have tremendous flow and groove. Sure they get disonant but when they groove it's very trance like, moving, which is majority of the time. You can't just say the band does not flow because a specific part in a song or parts. They flow better,sound less forced than Suffocation.
Life Sucks said:
If you hate death metal, what are you doing in this thread? Go listen to some Suck Theater.

Hey, fag! I like death metal AND Suck Theater!!!


I meant Dream Theater!
anonymousnick2001 said:
Hey, fag! I like death metal AND Suck Theater!!!


I meant Dream Theater!
It's good that you have such broad musical tastes. Actually, I like a lot of traditional metal and some power metal in addition to my thrash/dm/bm, but for some reason Dream Theater never clicked with me, and I don't like how they are so overrated.
Life Sucks said:
Actually, I like a lot of traditional metal and some power metal in addition to my thrash/dm/bm, but for some reason Dream Theater never clicked with me, and I don't like how they are so overrated.

Yes, we've discussed this in the past. It's all good, man. :)