Immolation and Suffocation


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
In Immolation - Those Left Behind off of Dawn of Possession at around 4:00, the riff sounds close to Suffocation - Throne of Blood.

its almost the same except suffocation messes with the beat....

i am very surprised suffocation stole the riff, assuming Immolation had it first because dawn of possession came out first. I always put suffocation on a pedistal to other bands... do you think they ripped off the riff?
People constantly steal riffs without knowing it, it's pretty hard to write a riff that nobody in the world has ever thought of before, so once in a while that riff'll end up being on two (fairly) well-known band's albums.
Immolation is better than Suffocation, yes, but if you don't like them you are a fag
Immolation,Suffocation are great bands. I'll look into it, never noticed before. Suffocation stold a Pestilence riff, it's not a big deal really, bands steal riffs,change riffs alittle,recycle riffs.
Gallantry over Docility said:
It's simple: Suffocation lick the feet of Immolation in exchange for Immolation's musical input.

Terrence Hobbes > Rob Vigna

But yeah, Immolation is better. But Suffo "licking their feet?"

Hobbs has nothing on Vigna. Vigna should go down as one of the best lead guitarists ever. His playing is avant-garde as hell. It's rare a guitarist attempts to do something different,creative,well in that way. There is a lot of great guitarists but they sound typical in sounds,playing technique, just very textook, use the same fucking scales,technique's as everyone else in the world.

Terrance's leads on the new Suffocation are awful, it's a shame because the guy wrote some great solos.
Mr.Toby said:
People constantly steal riffs without knowing it, it's pretty hard to write a riff that nobody in the world has ever thought of before, so once in a while that riff'll end up being on two (fairly) well-known band's albums.
.End of thread
The Greys said:
Hobbs has nothing on Vigna. Vigna should go down as one of the best lead guitarists ever. His playing is avant-garde as hell. It's rare a guitarist attempts to do something different,creative,well in that way. There is a lot of great guitarists but they sound typical in sounds,playing technique, just very textook, use the same fucking scales,technique's as everyone else in the world.

Terrance's leads on the new Suffocation are awful, it's a shame because the guy wrote some great solos.

I agree. However, I saw Immolation live last week, and Vigna gave just about the worst live performance on guitar that I have ever seen. Considering he's one of my favorite guitarists, it was very disheartening.
Vigna looks like a retard when he swings that guitar. I just cant help it, but it doesent look very cool. Sorry, Vigna. The guitar is not a flag.
Mr.Toby said:
People constantly steal riffs without knowing it, it's pretty hard to write a riff that nobody in the world has ever thought of before, so once in a while that riff'll end up being on two (fairly) well-known band's albums.
It's true. It's even happened to me. I wrote two black metal riffs that I used in two of my own songs. Later, I discovered a black metal band that had used two riffs that are almost identical to mine. So, sometimes it is stealing/modifying a bit, and sometimes it is coincidence.
EternalEnemy said:
Vigna looks like a retard when he swings that guitar. I just cant help it, but it doesent look very cool. Sorry, Vigna. The guitar is not a flag.

He wasn't doing that at the show I saw. It was a solid performance but he just couldn't solo very well, and that's what I wanted to see most from him.
No one in Immo is black, but two Suffo members are (or one, I can't remember if the other my pals was an ex-member or not).
Also, Immo used to have a spic for a drummer, but dropped him before the amazingly mediocre Harnessing Ruin.