Immortal reunion?


Aug 8, 2005
Well there is a recent interview with Abbath, where he speaks about the reunion of Immortal:
“I didn’t really want to say it, but I don’t give a shit. We will come back, stronger than ever. I’ve met with Horgh for the first time in over a year. He’s built his new house here, right around the corner. In the next few days we will begin to rehearse our old ‘Blizzard Beasts’ classics. I’m already really hot on the idea.”
That's fine, a legend coming back, but I'm not sure, that Horgh will be able to play in two big bands simultaneously. Well, what do you think is going to happen?
I'd imagine Horgh would follow with Immortal if they do record another album, tour around. He has been with them for so damn long, he wouldn't just give it up at the drop of a hat.

Besides, It's Hypocrisy we're talking about here.. Of course they could find ANOTHER drummer! :)
imortal returning tho with the origanal drummer of the first two albums not with horgh wich means he will be staying in hypocrisy
and horgh is commited to hypocrisy he will not be leaving for imortal and that is why he left grimfest so he could focus on hypocrisy
If you read the interview Abbath says they ( him and horgh ) will begin to rehearse there old blizzard beasts classics. So horgh is definitely on board. Amragedda, Immortals first drummer, will only be working on Abbaths new band I.
I will be happy if we will have the return of Mighty Lars (one of my best
drummer ever!) He is the real drummer of Hypocrisy, so he is 1/4 of Hypocrisy toghether now with Peter, Andreas and Mikael.
Lars is the drummer of this great band, and he is hystorical drummer of more than 20 years of playing in.
So, welcome Lars to return!
I like the last album, but sincerely i like more the other, specially The Arrival,
in wich the drumming is very very creative.
I think that Lars return will make a new kinda fresh for Hypocrisy and re-achive their original assets who carachterize the band.

You may like him very much, but he won't be able to play most of the "Virus" tracks. They're just too fast for him. said:
I will be happy if we will have the return of Mighty Lars (one of my best
drummer ever!) He is the real drummer of Hypocrisy, so he is 1/4 of Hypocrisy toghether now with Peter, Andreas and Mikael.
Lars is the drummer of this great band, and he is hystorical drummer of more than 20 years of playing in.
So, welcome Lars to return!
I like the last album, but sincerely i like more the other, specially The Arrival,
in wich the drumming is very very creative.
I think that Lars return will make a new kinda fresh for Hypocrisy and re-achive their original assets who carachterize the band.


With all due respect, what the fuck.
If Immortal actually comes back....there gonna be fucking popular and I dont see Horgh running two big bands. He his now living in Norway at about a minute of Abbath's place. If Immortal gets back together ( and all points in that direction ) I think Hypocrisy will have to find a new drummer. And dude...Lars aint that good of a drummer....I mean, compare the work on Virus and the arrival....big difference of drumming skills! I'm not saying he's a bad drummer, he just aint like Horgh!