Immortal reunion?

exactly it be okay if it was a year but its been to long it will just be stupid sounds to me like if they do it will be just for money
webster said:
exactly it be okay if it was a year but its been to long it will just be stupid sounds to me like if they do it will be just for money

I believe Immortal broke up because Abbath had trouble writing songs for the band. Since then he has had a motorhead cover band and his new project I and maybe now he is ready to go right some more Immortal. I have faith in Immortal because they seem to have followed every album with a better one.
firstly a motorhead cover band pah! there meant to be fecking black metal for christ sake abbath in the cover band god black metal came from venon celtic frost and bathory not fucking motor head and project i just sounds like immortal so theres absolutly no coincedance that project i has a 'I' in it why not a diffrent letter and emperor are not back there doing gigs because they need the money, and whats the point in horgh learning all the drums in hypocrisy if hes just going to leave