Imortant News on Star Wars DVDs

Nup, only A New Hope and the extras disc. Some points:

* For years I've always thought that Leia gave Luke a big smooch before swinging across the chasm, but now she just gives him an awkward kiss on the cheek. I thought it was another Lucas change but it's the same thing on the old trailers and stuff as well. My bad.

* You know when the stormtrooper bangs his head on the door when they break into the room with C-3PO and R2? There's now a sound effect to accompany it. I'm sure this wasn't there previously. If it IS a change then I kind of like it. :)

* The only potential glitch I've noticed is that whenever there's a big fight and everyone's shooting at each other indoors, the screen flashes pink. I can't remember if that's on previous editions because it's been so long since I've watched them.

What did they do to Jedi that wasn't already done on the 1997 versions, apart from a few extra shots of other planets and Hayden Christensen's noggin on Sebastian Shaw's body? Mesa thinks I'll have to watch it today.

They had a behind the scenes making of Episode III on the extras disc and it looks fab - no actual footage, just mainly them making Vader's costume and a big fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Looks tops! :headbang:
I might just be doing a backflip with Star Wars in the near future. I have the originals on video and can still watch them any time I want, but these are the best DVDs we're going to get. I'm willing to bet there'll be a massive six disc set come 2006, with even more changes to the classic trilogy.

Dreamy, does the new final scene in ROTJ include a Gungan screaming out "Wesa free!" or was that just fan hyperbole?

I believe that was on the special editions that were at the cinemas too.... but I was so pissed off by the time ROTJ finished, I could have just been hearing stuff too. Fucking disgraceful what was done to that one...! :mad:
Nah I'm pretty sure the gungans and Naboo were just added into that last scene on these releases. They did do a big overhaul of Cloud city and add tons of Corascant though for the 97 releases.

As against all the changes as I was when they first happened, over the past few days I watched all 3 films and the big doco, and I think I'm starting to turn to the dark side. I dont mind the changes so much as I used to.

I think the only things that really shit me are the change to Boba Fett's voice, and the stupid little comic relief gags that were added just to insert CGI elements. Like at the start of A New Hope where they drive past, and then some droid just bashes another droid out of the air. Totally wasted screentime. Theres a bunch of things like that...they dont make me hate them, they just annoy me a little.

I think what makes me not mind them so much now, is how awesome the DVD transfer looks. Its so vibrant and awesome. Film -> Digital Colour Grading -> Film -> DVD is great. Thats how Lord of the Rings was done, and that looks amazing colour and depth wise. The old Starwars movies have that sort of look to them now, which is cool. Its a shame that the newer films were just all digital and look like puss.

But yes...the darkside is being very seductive and quick to turn me to not minding these changes and alterations as much as I thought I would. I thought I would buy these DVD's and just sit yelling obscenities at the screen the whole way through, but it didn't happen. Even having pussy boy's face instead of the other Anakin guy (sebastian shaw?) at the end of Jedi wasnt that bad really.

The Empire of Dreams doco actually gave me a lot more respect for Georgy boy. It's a great watch.
I watched Return of the Jedi this evening. I have no problem with the ending, not even the bit with Hayden's head stuck on Seb's body.

As I've said to someone before, it's a shame 99% of people only know Hayden for Attack of the Clones because he's a great actor. He was rubbish in AOTC, yes, but everyone who is remotely interested in seeing if he has any ability should go and watch Shattered Glass on DVD. Top film. He was good in Life as a House apparently, too, but I never saw that one.
I didn't have much of a problem with him in AOTC. I defy anyone to give a great performance with the dialogue Lucas writes. The only person who has ever really excelled is Harrison Ford, and I suspect most of the dialogue for Empire and Jedi was written by the great Lawrence Kasdan. There are some good lines in ANH though.