O/T The new Star Wars DVDs rule

I'd be willing to be anything that the original trilogy will eventually be released on dvd. We all know Lucas likes the $. I already have 3 different versions on vhs and fully expect I'll have 3 versions on dvd before it's all over.
Here is a list of changes stolen from TheForce.net

Also there is a site I saw the other day with pics comparing the dvd to the SE versions from '97.... I'll try to find it..

A New Hope:
- 24'51" : twin sun effect has been renewed.

- 48'50" : Han Solo avoids Greedo's shot before shooting at him.

- 50'30" : Jabba effect renewed completely, in accordance with Episode 1.

- 71'30" and after : Death Star jail corridor is much deeper.

- 77' : the garbage monster has been improved.

- 82'10" : "Power" and "Tractor Beam" stencils have been replaced with Star Wars "foreign" signs.

Empire Strikes Back:
- 50'56" to 52'05" : Emperor's hologram has been reshot with Ian Mc Dairmid. A new dialog has been recorded and Palpatine informs Vader about Luke's real identity!

- 63'42", 87'18" & 98'39" : Boba Fett's dialog has been re-recorded by Temuera Morrison.

- 92'05" & 92"15 : Han Solo's black jacket has been erased, due to cut mistakes in the original movie.

- 101'40" : Luke's scream, which was added in the '97 Special Edition, has been removed again.

Return Of The Jedi:
- 24'44" and after : Edge transparency defects around the Rancor have been removed.

- 115'41" : Old Anakin's eyebrows have been erased and eyes are now blue, to fit with Hayden Christensen.

- 120'44" : Naboo has been added to Tatooine, Bespin, Coruscant and Endor victory celebration scenes.

- 120'58" & 121'03" : Senate & Jedi temple are now included in Coruscant panoramic view.

- 122'30" : As everyone knows already, Hayden appears as a ghost beside Yoda and old Obi-Wan at the end of the movie.
How'd you get that dvd early anyway?

And I'm with the who cares on the changes. Not a big fan of Episodes 1 or 2. The old ones I liked, and I think whatever form they come out in is fine. Movies are movies.
Riehlthing said:
How'd you get that dvd early anyway?


I have a friend who owns an independent Video/Music store. Every store in North America already has their copies, but are prohibited by Lucasfilm from releasing them early. If you know someone who works at anystore that sells DVDs (Wal Mart, Target etc) ask them and they probably can get yoiu a copy from the back.
I guess its easy to sit back and say "its only a movie get over it nerd". Well fuck off you judgemental prick. People are talking about their opinion, just because you dont agree with them doesn't make you right or give you a reason to resort to name calling.

Are you okay with the "coloring" of old black and white movies?
How about Ozzy rerecording the drums and bass or old records?
While we are at it how about we fix the lean on that tower in Pisa?
Or even better put some arms on the Venus de Milo.

People are passionate about things they like be it movies, books, music, art, whatever. Get over it. Didn't your mom ever say ir you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? If she didn't she should of.
Cincy Vigilante said:
I guess its easy to sit back and say "its only a movie get over it nerd". Well fuck off you judgemental prick. People are talking about their opinion, just because you dont agree with them doesn't make you right or give you a reason to resort to name calling.

Are you okay with the "coloring" of old black and white movies?
How about Ozzy rerecording the drums and bass or old records?
While we are at it how about we fix the lean on that tower in Pisa?
Or even better put some arms on the Venus de Milo.

People are passionate about things they like be it movies, books, music, art, whatever. Get over it. Didn't your mom ever say ir you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? If she didn't she should of.

Somehow comparing a movie to The Leaning Tower of Pisa or a Picasso to a movie (although it is one of the great movies) seems like comparing a Big Mac to Chicken Cordon Bleu. I'm probably one of the biggest Star Wars fans you'll ever meet, but at the end of the day, it's just a movie. Getting passionate about a few seconds of a movie is pretty asinine.
"Somehow comparing a movie to The Leaning Tower of Pisa or a Picasso to a movie (although it is one of the great movies) seems like comparing a Big Mac to Chicken Cordon Bleu. I'm probably one of the biggest Star Wars fans you'll ever meet, but at the end of the day, it's just a movie. Getting passionate about a few seconds of a movie is pretty asinine."

I don't think it's getting passionate about "a few seconds of a movie". It's about the gigantic entity known as Star Wars. I'm passionate about all of the movies, and IT IS MY OPINION that I don't agree with Lucas making these changes in the DVDs.

Maybe a movie has less artistic value to you than a Picasso. To me, it doesn't. They're both art and people enjoy them for different reasons. Once again, my opinion. To me, it's "just a painting", and the Leaning Tower of Pisa is "just a building".

I know for a fact that you get passionate about bands and their music, so is that any different than someone else getting passionate over a film? I'm sure there are things about albums that you don't like, and chances are, you have had arguments/conversations with people about them. It's the same thing. You're entitled to your opinion that you think I am asinine for liking a movie that much, and I'm entitled to my opinion that I think you're a self-absorbed tool.