o/t Top ten reasons Empire kicks ass


Rebel Scum
Feb 14, 2002
Echo Base
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Because there is a blizzard outside and I have nothing better to do than drink all the hooch in the house and watch Empire Strikes Back, I decided to compile this list of why Empire is the best movie ever made.

10) Cloud City- You have the Ugnaughts, Lobot, the carbon freezing chamber, Han being tortured, and Lando, the biggest pimp in the galaxy. Overall, one of the more memorable settings in the Star Wars franchice.
9) The Executor- One of the most striking scenes in the first movie was the giant Star Destroyer that kept coming, coming coming into the frame at the beginning of the movie. In Empire, we get the Super Star Destroyer which is waaaaaay bigger.
8) The Imperial March- This has got to be one of the greatest pieces of music ever written. Nuff said.
7) The most disgusting kiss in movie history- If I were Luke, I'd be pretty pissed at Ben. I mean, come on, give a guy a heads up.
6) Vader's on a roll- He really hits his stride in this movie; choking Admirals left and right, bloking blaster bolts with his bare hands, wagging his finger in Boba Fett's face, and chopping his own kid's hand off.
5) The asteroid field- An idea so cool, they brought it back in EpII.
4) Hoth- Everything about this segment ruled; the snow suits, taun tauns, snowspeeders, Imperial Walkers, Snowtroopers and the probe droid.
3)Yoda- This was the first appearance of the Jedi master and, in my opinion, still the best. A truely great performance by Frank Oz.
2) Bounty Hunters- We don't need their scum. These guys spend a short time on the screen, but they're some of the coolest characters in the trilogy. Especially Boba Fett.
1) "I am your father"- For those of you old enough to remember, this line sent shockwaves through an entire generation. I can remember for the next three years, kids debated the validity of Vader's claim. I can't help but to think that the prequels will take some of the weight away from this statement. But still, I can remember a nine year old Jeff sitting in the theatre going "No way!"

Add in the fact that the dialogue in this movie was top notch (esp. between Han and Liea) and you get the best of the best. I have a tendency to get liquored up when I watch Empire, because I got to party with Admiral Ozzel, Admiral Piett, General Veers, Captain Needa, Billy Dee and Lobot, so when I watch this movie, I'm like, "Hey, I partied with that dude!"
There were scenes cut from Empire, but they wouldn 't amount to nowhere near 40 minutes. Maybe 5 or 10.

There was a scene on Hoth were a Wampa attacked the Echo Base and was captured, but it was aborted when they had problems with the Wampa suit. Later, as Han, Leia, and 3PO are fleeing, 3PO pauses to tear a yellow sign off a supply closet door. The supply closet was where they held the captured Wampa, and the sticker warned anyone to stay away. A group of Snowtroopers enter the room and you hear them become Wampa chow. The shot of 3PO tearing off the sticker actually made it into some of the theatrical trailers.

Another brief scene was after Luke's rescue on Hoth when he was in the infirmary. There was a shot of him wearing a Phantom of the Operaesque bacta mask to be removed by 2-1B right before Han and the others arrived. This scene made it into the Marvel Comics adaptation of the movie.

On Cloud City, when Luke was hanging from the weather vane, there was a scene where he fell, and Lando had to crawl out onto the top of the Falcon to drag him back in. If you watch closely in the movie, Lando hooks himself the Falcon with a cable as he goes out the top hatch.

Also, there was an extended scene of Han Solo being tortured that was cut because it was too intense.

All these scenes exist and could presumably be put on the dvd, but I doubt they would be restored to the actual movie. Rumours have it that Lucas is wanting to tweak the movies even further for the dvd release by adding new scenes, updating visuals, and carrying some of the music themes throughout in an attempt to make the overall story more fluid.
I would love to see all of those scenes added!!! Hey Jeffasin, let me ask you a couple of questions about Ep. 5

* What do you think Vader had in mind for Chewie and Leia? Whenever Vader keeps Boba from blasting Chewie in Bespin I was always wondering "what does Vader want w/ the Wookie?"
* How did Luke become so bad ass between 5 & 6. He didn't have time to go back to Dagobah, so did getting his ass kicked by dad just make him that much better?
*What do you think is up w/ Dagobah? Luke says it seems familiar, and what's up with the cave, do you think something is going to happen in that cave in Ep.3?
Originally posted by TD
I would love to see all of those scenes added!!! Hey Jeffasin, let me ask you a couple of questions about Ep. 5

* What do you think Vader had in mind for Chewie and Leia? Whenever Vader keeps Boba from blasting Chewie in Bespin I was always wondering "what does Vader want w/ the Wookie?"
* How did Luke become so bad ass between 5 & 6. He didn't have time to go back to Dagobah, so did getting his ass kicked by dad just make him that much better?
*What do you think is up w/ Dagobah? Luke says it seems familiar, and what's up with the cave, do you think something is going to happen in that cave in Ep.3?

I can understand why Vader would keep Leia alive, but I'm not sure about Chewie. I've wondered myself why Vader stopped Fett. Lando did mention at one point that he had made a deal with Vader for Chewie and Leia to stay on Bespin. Prehaps Vader was still living up to that deal, at least while Lando was still useful to him. Or prehaps he wanted a second test subject in case Han didn't survive the carbon freezing.

Luke spent the time between 5 & 6 at Kenobi's place on Tatooine; meditating, completing his training on his own, and constructing his lightsaber. Approximately a year passed between the two movies. As for how he became so badass in such a short time; the Force is strong with him. I've thought prehaps Luke is the one the prophecies speak of, after all, isn't he the one who brings balance to the Force?

Prehaps Dagobah felt familiar because Luke had been there before. Presumably, in EpIII, all the Jedi get wiped out and Ben and Yoda go into hiding. Also, Ben hides Luke and Leia from Vader, so my guess is that the kids spend a brief time on Dagobah while the Jedi masters decide what to do.

As for the cave, in EpI when Qui Gon mentions to Mace that he had discovered a vergance (sp?) in the Force, Mace seems surprised that it involved a person. Prehaps it's more common for these things to occur in places or objects and the cave is just such a place.

Hopefully, all questions will be answered in 2005...
Have any of you's guys read the Han Solo trilogy?
Good stuff. The first book is kinda slow, but the other two make up for it.
Check 'em out. They tell how Han got the Millenium Falcon, why Chewie owes him a "life debt", why he thought Lando was pissed at him, etc.