First reviews of Star Wars DVDs

Its also our right to complain as much as we like when a senile old fart who has completely lost it cant do a SIMPLE thing like release the originals as well as the fucked versions and make everyone happy.
Actually I quite like Blitzy's idea.... think about it, fans of the original get what they want, and the "new" and future fans get a more cohesive viewing because the 30 year jump back in time won't be as noticeable.
"It's also our right to complain as much as we like when a senile old fart who has completely lost it cant do a SIMPLE thing like release the originals as well as the fucked versions and make everyone happy."

Spawn speaks the truth, and this fanboy will complain as much as he damn well likes.

As soon as it does any good, let me know.

Wrathy, what's your avatar from? I'm going to hit my head with a cartoon mallet as soon as you tell me because I'm an idiot for forgetting.
Well despite my previous protestations I have little choice but to buy them because I don't have a VCR anymore, and I taped over the originals donkeys years ago (oh for the gift of hindsight). However, this whole sordid episode does at least offer hope that in 20 years time an elderly George Lucas may be sitting in his wheelchair rhinking "Fuck! Episodes 1, 2 and 3 were shit! I need to remake those with modern technology so that they are actually watchable to the viewing public."

Well, stranger things have happened you know.
It's all about consistency, Gorey! One wonders if he'll change all the plot holes next time around.

I never noticed until very recently, but what's the point in hiding Luke in an out-of-the-way planet if they're not going to change his last name?