Imperanon...and my Questions !


New Metal Member
Dec 10, 2005
Hello :headbang: ,

Im newbie here and also newbie in Metal music....before i like metal, i was happy with Trance music.
But now my fav: genre is Metal after listening Imperanon...!
So my questions are...

1. What kindda Metal Imperanon make ? (some ppl said melo-death..rite?)
2. Similar bands with Imperanon ? ( kalmah or COB...and more?)
3. What music Scales use in Imperanon music ?
4. Some parts of Power Ranger Themes "go go power ranger" is metal tune ? (coz i got the same feeling when i listen imperanon's track 4)

..sorry for my poor English... :D
yeh...i hav to learn more abt metal from that site. there anyone know my other questions ?

plz explain me :)
thanks for ur post :)
Im from Myanmar and Death Metal is not popular here.
And I can't find Kalmah's CDs and other melo-death CDs there.
So I hav only chance to order from my friends from oversea.

ok...let me know...which scales mostly use in melo-death metal ???