**** Important!!! 02-02-07: Two bands announced for Texas Madfest 2007 ****


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
From: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...two-bands-announced-texas-madfest-2007-a.html

Hey everyone! Ready for our first official band announcement??? We thought we'd start with the two bands that will kick off each night!

Here's the press release - spread the word!

FEBRUARY 02, 2007


Houston's Texas Madfest (July 13-14, 2007) will feature 8 premiere bands in the progressive, power, and thrash metal genres. The first two bands to be announced are ETERNITY BLACK and SIX MINUTE CENTURY.

Eternity Black, featuring ex-Helstar members Larry Trevino, Rob Barragan, and Russell DeLeon, will open the event on Friday night. Hailing fom Houston and endorsed by Diamond Amplification, Eternity Black infuse heavy metal with hard-hitting thrash riffs and extreme vocals.

Saturday's events will begin with Six Minute Century, a melodic progressive band also from Houston. Six Minute Century combine heavy metal with classical orchestraions and technical proficiency to create a mood for their songs relating to historical events.

More bands, along with ticket info, will be announced periodically. Visit myspace.com/madfest for more info and official forum link.

-Tammy Zepp
Texas Madfest Co-Coordinator



Now here's the kicker. You know that carnut and me could not go to Prog-Power US because that festival is held on the same day at the Prog-Power Europe festival. And after a while it became clear to us that the bill of PP EU was way more attractive to us.

However, now with the Texas MadFest in gear we are getting prepared to go and be there!

So wanna see a fantastic festival in the US and meet us? You know where to go!!
mmmm, wasn't Madfest announced for June first ?? July is impossible for me to take days off, got all my summer vacation in august...
As well can be on Mars. I'm still trying to make it to PPVIII, so Texas it's out of question. I'll be lucky if I can squeeze those days in October without getting my boss mad.

Besides those bands are not something that drive me even to download :lol:
Aw shit guys... :cry: I know for a fact that Texas is outta the question for me. Two things: money and the weather. It is hot enough up in Indiana in July, I can't even imagine how warm it will be there at that time of the year!

How about a trip to Chicago for Powerfest??? April... Right around the corner! At this point, Brent, myself, alot of the "regulars" to ProgPower are "planning" on being there. Hotel is $70/night and is right across the road. I will make you guys the same deal that I have made Brent... if you come I will make the trip to the airport to pick you up since I will have a vehicle there. Oh yeah... Benedictum and Martyr!!!:rock::rock::rock:

I am with Wyv on the bands so far for MadFest... not much there at this point. From what they are saying most of the bands are going to be "local" to Texas... keep in mind Texas is the size of most countries! And I know, there are quite a few great bands from Texas but still...
Aw shit guys... :cry: I know for a fact that Texas is outta the question for me. Two things: money and the weather. It is hot enough up in Indiana in July, I can't even imagine how warm it will be there at that time of the year!

How about a trip to Chicago for Powerfest??? April... Right around the corner! At this point, Brent, myself, alot of the "regulars" to ProgPower are "planning" on being there. Hotel is $70/night and is right across the road. I will make you guys the same deal that I have made Brent... if you come I will make the trip to the airport to pick you up since I will have a vehicle there. Oh yeah... Benedictum and Martyr!!!:rock::rock::rock:

I am with Wyv on the bands so far for MadFest... not much there at this point. From what they are saying most of the bands are going to be "local" to Texas... keep in mind Texas is the size of most countries! And I know, there are quite a few great bands from Texas but still...

If there will be 'local' Texas bands then think what bands those could be.
I mean, come on. What quality metal bands come from Texas? Why do you think I will be there? For the two bands that were announced above? THINK! :cool:
I am bounded by a promise not to tell anything. If you think you are on the right track well, than good for you. :)

As long as you understand that I have some damn good reasons for wanting to be there.

Narcosynthesys said:
Oh yeah, did you miss the fact that Martyr is playing in Chicago???!!!

I would love to see Martyr but I have my priorities. Besides April is going to be carnuts and me busiest touring month of 2007.
Headway, KIT and several other gigs like a European tour I can say nothing about and Kamelot in Antwerp. Chances are I will
be extremely busy for the whole of April. I might even join a band or two on the road for several days.

So April is impossible for me. Too bad because I would really like to meet you one day. :)
I might even join a band or two on the road for several days.

Too bad because I would really like to meet you one day. :)

Going to be sleeping in a bus load of dudes!!!:lol:

Too cool dude!!!

That actually is awesome!

We'll I am not going to write off Texas until it gets closer and like all the other shows... gotta see the final line-up.

We will meet someday. That is a fact my friend!!!:rock::rock::rock: