It turns out that Agalloch, Virgin Black, and Antimatter are wanting to play FIRST so they can head off to SLC early, leaving us "openers" to play at around 11pm to a very small crowd. Fall of Empyrean is NOT pleased about this development, in part because the Jar already jerked us around by making us sell tickets, then adding two opening bands who didn't have to sell tickets (no offence to Vehemence, since it wasn't your fault or responsibility), but also because I have to get up very early in the morning to leave town as well. A warning: if the show lineup remains in this order, Fall of Empyrean will NOT be playing, at least if it is up to me. Thank you.

- Justin
Damnit! Well, I can't go now. neither can my bassist, we are pissed. Stupid Rock stars! And Mason Jar! Well, if anybody is on aol or aim and notices that the openers will play first, can you instant message me? My screen name is PANTERAaddict101 . I'll go if you guys still play first.
rock stars my ass!!!!! they had a 14 hour or so drive to salt lake. I am sorry and I love watching vehemence and fall of empyrean but you have 2 acts making first US appearances and another awesome act on first US tour. I went to see them. No offense to our bands from this town but I can see their point. Fall of empyrean and Vehemence are an exception to the rule but I usually hate sitting thru 5 hours of locals just to get to the acts that I went there to see.
This show pissed me off at first. When we arrived, we were schedule to play last. That was gay. So after a lot of last minute bartering and discussion, we finally ended up going just after Vehemence, which was around 10:15. We only got to play two songs. We were supposed to have 25 minutes. Oh well. Once all the bullshit was out of the way, the show was great. Agalloch were incredible live!
FuckYouIWantToDie said:
even though FOE played only 2 songs, their set sounded awesome! We only got to play 3 songs. This show was completely unorganized

yeah sometimes BC just shouldnt schedule Locals.
But I have a feeling if he didnt do VEHE & FoE there wouldve been like 5 people there.
I understand BC though, he doesnt wanna lose his ass.
Plus he told me these guys were asking for a good amount that he knew he wouldnt have been able to do without some locals on it.
Gotta give the big boy love though, cuz he's one of the few that'll actually bring shows like that.
my neck still hurts........very cool night, met some foreigners and wasted...yeah, a perfect night. If you were there you saw me headbanging up front through the entire FOE set...BOTH SONGS!!!! BLEEEEARRRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
It was a decent show, and we did it as a favor to Bryan the promoter of the Jar. Sucked I did'nt have my own amp, but thanks to Justin in FOE, I got to play that night. I got two free cds from the End Records guy named Tomer. Which were Antimatter, and Virgin Black.