Important - Mexico & Colombia Cancelled!


Sep 17, 2001
Terra firma
We are extremely sorry to have to announce the frustrating fact that the upcoming gigs in Mexico and Colombia are cancelled, due to the inability of the local promotor to live up to his part of the agreement. At this point, we don't know all the details, but our management has been working day and night during the last week trying to get some kind of confirmation from the promotor that the most essential and basic parts of the arrangement, such as the booking of the airplane tickets, had been taken care of.

After a lot of uncertainty and an increasing sense of suspicion that the necessary organizational measures weren't taken, everything eventually seemed to be resolved, but last night - just a few hours before our planned departure from Gothenburg - we got the definite news from our management that the flight arrangements were severely insufficient and that the promotor had backed out of the deal, admitting that things hadn't been properly taken care of from the beginning and that it now was too late to repair the damage.

We deeply apologize to our Mexican and Colombian fans and friends, and we hope that you understand that the cancellation is in no way due to the band. This is a disaster for us. We had a fantastic time during our "Haven" dates in Mexico, and had the pleasure to meet some of the most devoted and enthusiastic fans we've ever seen, and it feels truly devastating to have to stay at home with packed bags and all preparations made because of matters that are out of our hands.

We'll do our outmost to be able to schedule new dates in the near future.


So, Mexico and Colombia join Finland?

Luckily I'm not near Misanthrope when he sees this - heads are gonna roll...

-Villain (I can feel your pain)
The good way to start this year was going to be seeing DT here but now it seems I am gonna have to go kill some fuckers on the street
Originally posted by manuelgv
The good way to start this year was going to be seeing DT here but now it seems I am gonna have to go kill some fuckers on the street

and when manuelgv will be arrested as a serial killer for the horrible death of ten pre-teen girls, each with one of the letters of "damage done" carved on her chest with a paperknife, everybody will know whose popular metal band members' consciences should take a good look in the mirror. :D

BUMMER. sorry you guys are getting the shaft. :( what a shame. those lovely tickets were printed up and everything.

i'm hoping we do not get the same kind of disappointing message in a couple of days regarding the US dates. you know, the kind that involves those 3 letters, ie, INS :erk:

rebecca (keeping fingers and toes crossed)
Ok...I acknowledge the band has nothing to do with the cancellation, I'd just like to know the name of the promotor, since I have 3 tickets in my hands and I'm not getting what I paid for, I will sue this asshole and make sure he goes through a burocratic hell, at leats for a few weeks, since I have the contacts to do that and also, I'd like to know what is needed to bring DT to Mexico and maybe we'll have our gig, and guys, do try to schedule new dates, the fans here are eager to see you.

yeah we need a good show,there used to be good shows pretty often but now it's very random and because of stupid promotors who back out and the ones who get screwed are the fans
i was so ready to sing "the sun fired blanks" one more time
Originally posted by Hedon
We are extremely sorry to have to announce the frustrating fact that the upcoming gigs in Mexico and Colombia are cancelled, due to the inability of the local promotor to live up to his part of the agreement. At this point, we don't know all the details, but our management has been working day and night during the last week trying to get some kind of confirmation from the promotor that the most essential and basic parts of the arrangement, such as the booking of the airplane tickets, had been taken care of.

After a lot of uncertainty and an increasing sense of suspicion that the necessary organizational measures weren't taken, everything eventually seemed to be resolved, but last night - just a few hours before our planned departure from Gothenburg - we got the definite news from our management that the flight arrangements were severely insufficient and that the promotor had backed out of the deal, admitting that things hadn't been properly taken care of from the beginning and that it now was too late to repair the damage.

We deeply apologize to our Mexican and Colombian fans and friends, and we hope that you understand that the cancellation is in no way due to the band. This is a disaster for us. We had a fantastic time during our "Haven" dates in Mexico, and had the pleasure to meet some of the most devoted and enthusiastic fans we've ever seen, and it feels truly devastating to have to stay at home with packed bags and all preparations made because of matters that are out of our hands.

We'll do our outmost to be able to schedule new dates in the near future.



Can you give us an e-mail address of the band's management or any way to contact them? I was talking to Maria ( she is in lawschool and her brother is a lawyer ) and we are planning on taking legal action against the local promotor unless they give us twice what we paid in return, however she told me that in order to have a case we need to have proof that it was not in any way the bands decision to cancel and that it was absolutely the fault of the local promotor.

Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Thanatos
Ok...I acknowledge the band has nothing to do with the cancellation, I'd just like to know the name of the promotor, since I have 3 tickets in my hands and I'm not getting what I paid for, I will sue this asshole and make sure he goes through a burocratic hell, at leats for a few weeks, since I have the contacts to do that and also, I'd like to know what is needed to bring DT to Mexico and maybe we'll have our gig, and guys, do try to schedule new dates, the fans here are eager to see you.


Im going over their forums right now to post this.
Originally posted by Villain
So, Mexico and Colombia join Finland?

Luckily I'm not near Misanthrope when he sees this - heads are gonna roll...

-Villain (I can feel your pain)

Legal action was already in the plans, now ill be saving money for the formal legal action against the local promotor.
Originally posted by Thanatos
Ok...I acknowledge the band has nothing to do with the cancellation, I'd just like to know the name of the promotor, since I have 3 tickets in my hands and I'm not getting what I paid for, I will sue this asshole and make sure he goes through a burocratic hell, at leats for a few weeks, since I have the contacts to do that and also, I'd like to know what is needed to bring DT to Mexico and maybe we'll have our gig, and guys, do try to schedule new dates, the fans here are eager to see you.


Ill do the same, and ill encourage anyone who was going and knows a lawyer to do the same. Lets drive this fuckers out of bussiness.
Doing this kind of things just hurt the scene, the mexican fans are one of the most devoted (just ask the bands that have played here) ok so the ticket presales never go well in this country since most of the people get their tickets at the event, but the Haven gig in 2000 had the reputation of being one of the greatest of all time so I expected the venue to sell out, anyway, the name of the promotor and means to contact him are not in that site, do you know about it Misanthrope?
and by the way, the tickets do not have the legal terms printed on them, that'll probably get them a fine...
Originally posted by Thanatos
Doing this kind of things just hurt the scene, the mexican fans are one of the most devoted (just ask the bands that have played here) ok so the ticket presales never go well in this country since most of the people get their tickets at the event, but the Haven gig in 2000 had the reputation of being one of the greatest of all time so I expected the venue to sell out, anyway, the name of the promotor and means to contact him are not in that site, do you know about it Misanthrope?

Dont know about chilangolandia but i can get their bussiness address here in Monterrey and everything. The name is Metalipsis and im almost positive they are a legit registered bussiness since they are also a crappy label and distro.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Ill do the same, and ill encourage anyone who was going and knows a lawyer to do the same. Lets drive this fuckers out of bussiness.

When Dark Tranquillity wasn't able to do their tour in the U.S., 2-3 years ago, Misanthrope gloated at the American fans. When the tables turned, Misanthrope goes ape shit.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Yes this is why im talking to people who cares to fight the organization, do you care? I didnt think so. I putted the blame where it was back then, im also doing it now.

I would care if the gig/tour was canceled and the promoter would NOT give me my full refund of the ticket price. I would definitely be pissed, lead to think that Dark Tranquillity was coming, but I wouldn't want to hurt the company/promoter/organization. Two wrongs don't make one right. There's a chance that Dark Tranquillity would come over (go over) to Mexico or Columbia next time.
i agree with Arch. some strong-worded letters expressing your disappointment is a better idea. also, if you have something similar to the Better Business Bureau, then i think they should receive written statements about the company too.

why they would go to such lengths to make up elaborate tickets like that but not spend the money where it was needed elsewhere is what i'm wondering. weird.

sorry you guys are on the shit-end of the stick again. :(