Important - Mexico & Colombia Cancelled!

the problem is that they let the fans know of the pre-sale 2 weeks before the concert so when it doesn't sell as well as they plan it they back out,they have done it some other times and it fucking sucks,they should let people know since they are talking with the band so people start saving their money just in case
Misanthrope: i'm sorry. i didn't know. :(

well, if there were such a group in existence they'd have to have written evidence (reported complaints) to make their case. if that didn't work, then i suppose you can go ahead and use your heavy-handed justice instead. ;)
Heavy handed justice is the only thing that works around here. Althought ill use the more time consuming but cheaper way: boicots, non stop complains, childish forum abuse, and just random bad publicity. It has worked wonders in the past ( i got a radio show cancelled just by mailbombing and being an asshole )
Originally posted by Arch
but I wouldn't want to hurt the company/promoter/organization. Two wrongs don't make one right. There's a chance that Dark Tranquillity would come over (go over) to Mexico or Columbia next time.

perhaps hurting the promoter and the non-existent organization is going to lead to better promoters and some decent organization. i agree that it might be wrong to take it out on the dt side of the tour, but i think the mexicans are damn right to want to boycott their side, especially because of the money wasted on tickets.

Originally posted by Hedon
We are extremely sorry to have to announce the frustrating fact that the upcoming gigs in Mexico and Colombia are cancelled, due to the inability of the local promotor to live up to his part of the agreement. At this point, we don't know all the details, but our management has been working day and night during the last week trying to get some kind of confirmation from the promotor that the most essential and basic parts of the arrangement, such as the booking of the airplane tickets, had been taken care of.

After a lot of uncertainty and an increasing sense of suspicion that the necessary organizational measures weren't taken, everything eventually seemed to be resolved, but last night - just a few hours before our planned departure from Gothenburg - we got the definite news from our management that the flight arrangements were severely insufficient and that the promotor had backed out of the deal, admitting that things hadn't been properly taken care of from the beginning and that it now was too late to repair the damage.

We deeply apologize to our Mexican and Colombian fans and friends, and we hope that you understand that the cancellation is in no way due to the band. This is a disaster for us. We had a fantastic time during our "Haven" dates in Mexico, and had the pleasure to meet some of the most devoted and enthusiastic fans we've ever seen, and it feels truly devastating to have to stay at home with packed bags and all preparations made because of matters that are out of our hands.

We'll do our outmost to be able to schedule new dates in the near future.



I haven't posted around here for a long time, although I come and read from time to time (actually, i have never posted in this especific forum)....

I'm a big DT fan and I knew about this bad news last night, and my first reaction was get mad and angry just like everyone around did, but now I won't complain for stuffs which all we know; I just wanna say thanks to DT for considering their Mexico and Monterrey fans giving excuses for those things which were not their fault, and thanks for being this respectable band,
I'd be glad to pay your airplane tickets just for listening a 1 hour show from you, unfortunatly i'm pretty poor :( , however I hope we could have your show in Mexico soon(and specially in Monterrey). Thanks, you'll be always the best .
man, i'm in colombia i wasn't able to go to the concert anyway but these things really pissed me off, well, mexican dudes.. the promoter in mexico is some guy named Gustavo Ramírez of metalipsis kill him!!! :mad: :mad: :D
There's no suffering when killing someone, it's better to preserve his life in order to make it become something closer to the classic hell conception than merely a painful existence. It's just an advice, of course. :)

Edit: This senseless post lacks of something I wanted to say, so let me edit it once to ease my pain within: Siento lo sucedido, amigos mexicanos, en especial por el más cercano (Thanatos), quién incluso escaneó la entradita. Espero que los recursos legales adoptados por Misanthrope obtengan el éxito que el show no podrá conseguir... de momento.

|ngenius (Always trying to do his best)
Que onda carnales? Chinga soy de Nuevo Laredo, iba a ir pa alla a Mty al concierto pero ni modo. Pinches weyes nunca planean nada bien, no se por que pero se me hace que fue el Chucky...
No el chuky por mas imbecil que sea no fue su pedo, para empezar si no es de los 80s o pinche goth el chuky ni los trae. Y ese wey namas al fundadores. Estos weyes son putos chilangos ke vineron a hacer su desmadre a monterrey tambien. Pero no te preocupes asi como salieron de la nada asi se van a ir a la verga igual de rapido
I was listening a few minutes ago in a radio station in Monterrey, Mexico the explanation from the local promotor about the cancelled gigs in Mexico and Colombia.

The local promotor said they looked for DT's manager the whole last week, but they couldn't found him until january 6th. because DT's manager had been sick.

They said the DT's manager said the band would cancel the Colombian gig because the recent terrorism attacks overthere, and asked the local promotor to change the Colombian airplane tickets for hotel reservations during 7 days in Mexico until the USA tour. The local promotor said they accepted, but then DT's manager asked for airplane tickets from Tampa to Sweden at the end of the USA tour and also complained about the arrival to Monterrey would be at 2:00a.m., explaining the local promotor it was the reason why they decided to cancel the gigs in Mexico.

Is it the true indeed?
What more do you want in this thread? Sympathy?

MM answers? Our local promotor is basically downtalking, hell, talking shit about Dark Tranquillity making them look like rockstars and i believe i can have enough proof to run a case against them for difamation and several other charges. I bump because we need official answers from DT, and i think they should be interested because they are basically loosing fans and interest in Mexico because of this stupid asshole promotors.

Ill make a thread with all the case, all that has been said from both parts ( let it be known that ill try to be objective even knowing i believe nothing of what the local promotor says ).

This is pretty big, if the local promotor ( most likely ) is trying to ridiculize one of Mexico's favorite we will not only run him out of bussiness but most likely make shure they are in so much debt they never ever do this crap again.
I'm trying to find out the "legal" address of the promotor of metalipsis, and according to my sources, I can, at least get him fined, and the law will be harder towards the bastard if many people go to PROFECO.
Thanatos where did you buy your ticket?
because I'll get my refund this thursday on pericoapa and will ask the guy how to contact metalipsis