Important people in your life


Apr 13, 2002
I've been pondering over several questions relating to mentoring and, more in general, being guided through life. I've got the impression that our heads are filled with master/apprentice images that come from movies and books, but in real life it's very difficult to find people who have experience and wisdom and want to share it with the young ones. So we get stuck in endless quagmires trying to figure out for ourselves things that are obviously not easy to figure out.

My question for you:

please tell me something about someone who has been important to you in the sense that he/she showed you how things work in life. might be parent, professor, older friend... i would like to have examples of what you couldn't see until they showed you, and how they did show you.

hyena said:
please tell me something about someone who has been important to you in the sense that he/she showed you how things work in life. might be parent, professor, older friend... i would like to have examples of what you couldn't see until they showed you, and how they did show you.

i'm thinking and thinking about it but can't find no one...i've never think about it before... :err: maybe i need to think "more" maybe...
My Bestfriend, who left to live in australia, but returned un expectedly when I was 13 has influenced me quite alot. He never lets anything superficial effect him... nor is he pretentious in anyway. He loves all kinds of Metal bands (mainly powermetal like Elvenking, Rhapsody, Freedom Call etc) but he never shys away from pop and stuff just because its "pop". If he likes it, he likes it and allows no other influence, even when ignorant people say "how can you like avril Lavigne and Dissection".

He went through some tough shit in his life but recieved some advice, which I can see has truly changed him. Passing that info on to me, it changed me too in some ways. The advice was "Just Relax". Doesn't sound big, but one who can take that attitude is practically enlightened. He lives for the now and worries not about the future or past. He drifts. I look up to him for that. And every time we get drunk I end up hugging him and telling him all this shit, which ends up embarrassing the hell out of me come morning.

Baisically when the rough gets tough he just lets it slip and slide around him. Actually a better analysis of that is he slips and slides around it.
King Chaos said:
And every time we get drunk I end up hugging him and telling him all this shit, which ends up embarrassing the hell out of me come morning.
reminds me of me and a good friend of mine... ARGH. yeah that's really embarassing, but he couldn't often remember :D
Maybe my teacher for IT in school (class 11 to 13). Before, I didn't know much but afterwards, I started studying IT and Economics. So, somehow, he showed me what to do with this life.

Otherwise my parents who taught me the basics: not to lie, to be friendly, to respect others and their opinions. All toether: to be liberal and not judge someone I don't really know.
well if we're talking about teachers and professors the only thing some of them have ever really taught me is what I don't want to become. some of my old professors were really bad and ugly persons.

apart from my parents, my two best friends (incidentally both female) have taught me a lot in terms of human relationships, something no male friend of mine have ever been capable of. I don't have examples that can be exposed here, but I think you can get the general view...
well, my parents of course, they taught me a lot and in spite of my silly behaviours i think i would be a lot less if i didn't have them.
there is other people but really i don't feel comfortable thinking too much about it.
My cousin, who was my best friend when we were kids. I spent all my time with him, and he taught me how one has to act to survive in life. Without him i'd have been a stupid wuss all my life, and people's cruelty would have killed me in no time. He taught me to be strong enough to handle things.
I had no one but my mom, and at times I'd like to get her out of my hair, but other than that I have no one to thank really.
hm important people?
besides my parents:
my closest friend, a girl I met through net 4 years ago
I dont really know if shes the most important person in my life but shes perhaps the one I trust the most.
some years I had big trouble with my exgirlsfriend and some meanings of life(still have them , damn)but I talked with her a lot about feelings, emotions and my thoughts and she was the first person I met in 22years who really cares and showed interest in my dead dreams and emotions, an experience I never had before with other people.
I like her very much(im not in love) because she showed me a lot of life and helped my with my inner demons.
But I never told her this
I would like to mention two people:

Firstly, my uncle, for buying me the original No Life 'till Leather over twenty years ago. I shudder when I think about what I would be exposing my ears to if it wasn't for that man...

Secondly, my old english teacher, for sparking my love for the works of Ernest Hemingway. If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't have taken my master degree in english, seeing as I wrote my main paper on Hemingway. If it wasn't for him, maybe I still would be getting electricuted on a daily basis. (I was going to be an elictrician.)

And I could of course give you that mushy-mushy "she taught me how to love crap", but I honestly don't think anyone's interested. :)
My parents, teachers and good friends.

I dont think they did it consciously though, except maybe my parents sometimes. It's just something that happens when you get in touch with impressive people. You get to know them and yourself at the same time. I dont really know how to explain but I always felt that the changes I went through were more of a byproduct than obejct of hard work ;)
My friends and relatives. I learn something new almost every day whether I'm aware of it when it happens or not. I guess knowledge of how the world (and us humans) work needs a little time to process. ;)