What do you value most in life?

I would agree with "free time" - basically any time I am not working. I'm glad and appreciative that I have a job that allows me to do stuff I want, and that I actually don't hate, but I'd never answer "my job" to this as it is purely a means to an end for me, and I spend most of my time when I am working looking forward to my next free time.

I generally prefer not to be around other people, but I have definitely missed socialising with (my small group of) friends this past year, and look forward to when that returns.
Free time is paramount.

I have friends that work overtime and two jobs and side hustles and oh man I cannot imagine a worse way of spending ones life than by WORKING all the time. And I love my job!

But I love doing whatever the hell I want at any given second a whole lot more.