spending time

Ok, so this discussion is NOT about work, but it's based on the presumption that WORK IS POINTLESS and I do not agree with this. Sure, I don't go to work with a smile on my face every morning but, for example, work does give me a sense of selfworth, and I find some kind of pleasure in knowing I have done a good job. I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYTHING HAS TO BE EITHER BLACK OR WHITE. That being said: Yes I would probably find enough stuff to do with my life without working but then again I don't see myself as some god damn victim because I go to work and can't feed myself by making art from my farts.

(ok, exaggerating because it's fun, I do see your point Erik!)
Feel no pain, but my life ain't easy
I know I'm my best friend
No one cares, but I'm so much stronger
I'll fight until the end
To escape from the true false world
Undamaged destiny
Can't get caught in the endless circle
Ring of stupidity

Out for my own, out to be free
One with my mind, they just can't see
No need to hear things that they say
Life's for my own to live my own way

Rape my mind and destroy my feelings
Don't tell me what to do
I don't care now, 'cause I'm on my side
And I can see through you
Feed my brain with your so called standards
Who says that I ain't right
Break away from your common fashion
See through your blurry sight

See them try to bring the hammer down
No damn chains can hold me to the ground

Life's for my own to live my own way
I don't see a problem with being alone at all. It's not like I just enjoy it, it's like I need to be alone some part of my day. I would take that $1500 offer as well, because damn, working 8-10 hrs a day truly oppresses me as 24 hrs is not too much to do all the stuff you can/want to do.
I don't remember last time when I was bored, actually I'm never bored. Probably because I have many hobbies (probably way too many) and always try to learn something new. And I don't understand young people who are always whine about them having nothing to do... I don't get it, and I find it pretty sad. Humans have been given a huge potential which they should discover and use for getting to the higher level of being, while most of ppls simply degrade living like a plant.
Moscow (not that its part of the Ukraine) is the most expensive city in the world ... well it was 6 months ago
I know, been there in October '08.
Kiev is not that far from it on the list of the most expensive cities of the world.
i've been in mildly heated discussions about this sort of thing with some of my friends. the "single life" thread got me thinking a little bit more about it.

do you find it difficult to find worthwhile things to do with your time if you're alone, no girlfriend, no job, no school, no obligations? are you easily bored? can you think of exciting things to do every day by yourself or do you actually prefer to kill 8 hours a day by working?

i said to some buddies that if i was promised $1500 or so a month for the rest of my life with the condition that i could never work again, i would take that offer hands down, because i REALLY ENJOY being alone and doing random things. everyone else was like "no, life is boring if you don't work, all i do with my time if i have no obligations is play world of warcraft/watch tv/masturbate"

do you need to be a creative/artsy/slacker sort of individual to find the notion of having your time to yourself very attractive? i'd walk around randomly and take pictures of nothing, listen to a bunch of music and record some music, read a boatload of books, honestly there's NO END to the things i would do if i had infinite time. every hour of pointless work fucking TORMENTS me.

sorry mr. russell, i generally like you, but i just don't understand this. i guess i'm one of the few that has reached the highest level of civilized life? :blush:

wow this is not a coherent text

my advice to you is to sit down the Symbolic CD and booklet. insert CD into player > push start > open booklet to lyrics page 1 > read with 'new eyes'

"To by thought rewind in order to find"

Chuck was a fucking genius, just like George Carlin.

good luck as you begin your mission :)
If, Erik, you mean you're frustrated by the inept forcefulness of modern society to conform to a certain regime, then yeah I agree. There's not a day goes by without me wondering why I have to go to work everyday. Where was it that mankind went so horribly wrong as to enslave us with industrialism? Work just doesn't suit me. It's too monotonous. I'm only 21, and I have at least another 3 years doing what I'm doing, just so I can have my trade behind me for something to 'fall back on' for the rest of my life. But I don't plan on staying in the trade.

$1500 a month? I could do it. And I could most probably enjoy it. One thing my friends have never understood about me is that I do enjoy my own company. They all crave highly active social situations, which I do of course also enjoy, but I get most enjoyment listening to music and conversing with my mind (I have many more interesting conversations with myself than I do with my friends, anyway).

First of all, I'd read. A hell of a lot. I have a thirst for knowledge that will probably never be fully quenched, but I'd do my best.

I'd wander. There's so much beauty in the world that the concrete floor and tin walls of my work can't show me, so I'd get out there and witness as much of it as I can.

I'd master the art of fly-fishing.

I'd write the book I've always aspired to write.

I understand that most people are quite content with a routined lifestyle, but it just doesn't suit me. I crave more than that.
I don't think of work as just something to do. I think of it as what enables me to have freedom to do what I want in my personal time... be it go places, experience art, create wonderful food, make music and improve my tools for making music, etc.

I also enjoy my job simply because it allows me the opportunity to talk to lots of people. It is fast paced, I'm relatively free from overzealous boss types, I can get away with lots of fun stuff on the job, etc.
at this point i'm just going to accept that this thread has strayed into another "work sucks" thread and go with the flow

I don't think of work as just something to do. I think of it as what enables me to have freedom to do what I want in my personal time... be it go places, experience art, create wonderful food, make music and improve my tools for making music, etc.
but who decided in the first place that you need to earn your free time? i realize that our entire society is built upon the idea that nearly everyone needs to work in order for it to function properly, and that even before society was organized like this you still had to "work" every day, often much harder than now, (though in olden times, work was more directly connected to survival -- now the relationship between food on your table and sitting at a desk 8 hours a day is hidden between several layers of abstraction) -- but don't you ever feel that "hey, there's something wrong with this -- why shouldn't i get to do what i want with my life, all the time?" whether that's practically plausible or not is not within the scope of this discussion.

Ok, so this discussion is NOT about work, but it's based on the presumption that WORK IS POINTLESS and I do not agree with this.
it depends on the context of "pointless". do i feel that the work i am doing now is pointless (or worse) to me in the sense that it DETRACTS rather than CONTRIBUTES to my personal well-being and self-realization? yes. do i also realize that every job has A POINT in allowing society to function as it does, and that probably someone somewhere benefits from the work i do (including me since i get dollarz in the bank?) sure do. in that sense, work isn't pointless, but that's not the point (!). and i am firm in my conviction that there is also work for me that would not be pointless on a personal level -- and this is the work i aspire to find at all costs (hopefully.)

Sure, I don't go to work with a smile on my face every morning but, for example, work does give me a sense of selfworth, and I find some kind of pleasure in knowing I have done a good job. I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYTHING HAS TO BE EITHER BLACK OR WHITE. That being said: Yes I would probably find enough stuff to do with my life without working but then again I don't see myself as some god damn victim because I go to work and can't feed myself by making art from my farts.
i don't think i've victimized myself a lot in this thread. it was not i who turned the thread in the "work is shit" direction. if i somehow knew for a fact that i would work stupid pointless shit job for the next 40 years i would probably kill myself, and that's not a BOO HOO LOOK AT ME I'M A SPOILED SWEDE WHO NEEDS TO LEARN TO SHUT UP AND WORK LIKE EVERYONE ELSE WHO'S NOT COMPLAININ' thing it's just that i cannot be content with mediocrity.

life's nothing important anyway -- might as well make the most of it, and if it kills me, boo fucking hoo big deal. if there is no one but myself to answer to why should i not throw caution to the wind and live the way i know that i WANT to? is there any reason i should live like everyone else if it makes me feel bad? it's not "victimizing" myself, it's realizing that i am a person that has needs distinct from the needs of other people and that i need (!?) to realize those needs. i know i am probably choosing the difficult path but the easy path is FUCKING BORING is the fundamental realization here.

self-worth, i don't know. i'm too much of a wishy-washy head in the clouds abstract hippie type deep inside to feel that my "self-worth" increases much just because i do a job well and "do my duty towards society" or some shit like that. i find this society mostly convenient but i don't intuitively feel that i am a part of it as such. i do my job well (for the most part) but as i don't feel the contents of my actual self overlaps with the tasks i do at work, self-worth is decreased rather than increased. every minute of work feels like an opportunity wasted.