I'm sick of people calling me all the time

the thing is in Europe, people are used to quick conversations on the home phone as everything is by the minute, or at least it used to be back in the days, so even before cell phones people used to call eachother literally for 5 minutes and hang up ...
so this SMS thing is a big deal there as usually it is free in cell phone plans.

in America people LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to yap away fro hours on the phone ...
I have a cell I got free from AAA that costs me 11$ a month, and I keep it in the glove v
Box of the car for emergencies or whan I've forgotten something at the store or library. E
25 cents a minute, and I've never had a call over 50 cents or a monthly bill over 13$

And yeah, those bluetooth wireless earsets are flaunted like some status symbol

Edit: even tho they only cost 30$
Dick Sirloin said:
Seriously, what did we do before cell phones? Did we just never talk to one another? How did plans ever get made? How did people stay in touch? How could life exist for me if I couldn't be reached ANY TIME ANY WHERE

Fuckin hate this thing... want to smash

A FUCKING MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, those bluetooth things have got to go. i dont think people realize they look really stupid. and let's face it, cell phone abusers - YOURE NOT THAT INTERESTING!!
same thing happened a decade and a half ago when pagers became available to lay people, as opposed to just doctors. everyone and their uncle would be flashing a pager around "oh look! gotta get to a phone! someone paged me!" it was so embarrasing.
most importantly, any kind of portable communication device is sooooo not metal
unless it looks like this

i use my cell phone all the time and would probably have much less of a social life without one...i'm quite capable of slipping away for a couple hours when i want some peace and quiet
IOfTheStorm said:
Everyone hates his/her cellphone but also he/she takes it everywhere with him/her and keeps it open 24 hours per day. Either throw it away or stop whining seriously.
i dont have one, and my friends bitch at me for being hard to reach. everyone is just spoiled from being able to talk to anyone at at any time, but im probably going to cave pretty soon anyway. they're good to have in a pinch, and altering plans on the fly, directions, etc.
i hate how i pay a monthly fee of about $90 for use of our two phones. i hate anything that you cant own (ie, utilities, cable, etc.). i tried to figure out a way to make some long-range radios work but it's totally not feasible. hahaha man, im cheap
how much do you two use your phones? go for a minutes plan if you don't use it much, or even if one of you doesn't use it much. Cheap cellphone + minutes = cheap.
dorian gray said:
i hate how i pay a monthly fee of about $90 for use of our two phones. i hate anything that you cant own (ie, utilities, cable, etc.). i tried to figure out a way to make some long-range radios work but it's totally not feasible. hahaha man, im cheap
I just spent a week and a half without cellphone and internet access whatsoever. Could have lasted waaaaay longer.

Right now I don't feel like communicating anything at all with anyone at all, but good old routine will grow on me soon enough.