I can see the headlines now:
Man who invents immunity to sickness found brutally murdered, lab destroyed
The scientist who discovered a chemical combination that allowed the human immune system to overcome any sickness was found brutally murdered in his garage. The word "scab" was written on all the walls with his own blood. Later on the research lab that contains all of his research data was turned into a smoking crater.
One RN was quoted to say "better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees." A puzzling statement that was followed by headbanging.
Society in general would gain fuckloads by turning drug addicts into clean working machines who provide instead of parasite off society and stuff, though, so in extension I don't really think I agree with you there if the argument is taken a step further.this isn't exactly funny, it's true. do you think the corporations who would lose tremendous amounts of money from such a vaccination would allow this to happen? i don't. do you think they'll ever work towards a true cure for drug addiction? i don't. if all of the drug addicts in the world were miraculously cured of their ailments, the rehab industry (on a state and private level) would crumble and a lot of money would be lost. the private institutions would consider this a godsend, probably, but the state facilities (not unlike prisons in many ways) would no longer have the same people coming in for their 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th stays and they would be absolutely fucked.
there is an experimental detox treatment for opiate addicts.... read about the chemical 'apomorphine'. it is a non-narcotic that is quite possibly one of the only ways to reverse the damage that has been done to an addicts metabolism. it could be used all over the world with much success, so why aren't they doing it? they dont want to!
random, sorry
Unfortunately that isn't the mentality that is prevalent over here, MFJ is quite correct.
It's the reason why I mentioned the FDA. I'm sure there are many cures (some incredibly simple) that are suppressed as they would ruin business, as it were. A sick (North) America is a good america, for them. Many things classified as "diseases" aren't diseases as all, but named as such so that they must be "treated" and are FDA approved.
Yeah, those doctors definitely need to keep their jobs to suppress cures. Fucking FDA and big pharma trying to keep the people in check, how conspiratorial are you going to get?
The point should be, is it possible for us to end all illness? I don't think so. The reason why we can't cure all illness because it's not our planet. It's all the life forms around us as well; moreover, there are so many things that will constantly evolve to take advantage of us or find a niche that will support their life. Think about rodents in our houses.
The average cost to supply a youngster with a barrage of vaccinations is roughly 1k usd. These vaccines are primarily used to combat illnesses that would ravage a society had they be given free reign to do so. Dead children, ie. future customers of a medicated world, would not bode well for the number one special interest going today, the farcemaceutical industry. There is no money in preventing a non-lethal illness and if we were truly to live in a world of magnanimity we would be receiving our required daily dose at cost. (An avg savings of 95%) There is no "conspiracy", the system is quite obvious.
Ultimately, it's a good thing that people die. It's the prolonging of death and the treatment of disease that causes such a burden on society. Do people really need to live well into their 80s? What the fuck for? To sit around and watch Family Feud?
There is no "conspiracy", the system is quite obvious.