Do clone bands have any value?

true true

I thought Mastodon had a big hardcore influence before the whole 'metalcore' phenomenon came about (or at least before I'd ever heard the term used). I think people tend to deny the -core influence in bands they like because they're afraid of being labelled a sellout or something. I at no point said -core was a bad thing. I love Mastodon; Brann Dailor kicks ass. Anyhoo, I got shit for calling Kittie death metal because everyone labelled the nu-metal solely based on their popularity (which was really just a marketing ploy 'OMG!! skanky chicks playing metal!!). At what point in any of their music (caveat: I've only heard the first 2) do they sound like Korn or Limp Bizkit? Talented they may not be (I do still kinda dig the first one on a rare occasion), but death metal is what they're trying to play.

So, yeah, kind of a pointless rant I guess; hope I'm not coming off as an ass. I am getting the feeling that many folks around here think emo=metalcore. emo = alternative rock + hardcore, metalcore = metal + hardcore. Or maybe I'm retarded. I'm sure a few of you think so :)
A clone to me is a copycat. It's a band that hasn't evolved the idea, hasn't morphed it, it's just a carbon copy. They've taken a formula and simply rehashed it but THERE ARE SUBTLE YET INHERENT DIFFERENCES simply because it's delivered by a different group of people.

Bathory [Blueprint] -> Morrigan [Clone] :: Enslaved [Progressive]


The question is, do Stratovarius, Morrigan, or Lamb of God offer anything of value? I guess the answer is dependent on whether you like the "blueprint" in the first place.

I'm really digging Morrigan these days and I think the best litmus test here would be General Zod. I wouldn't be that surprised if Zod was to prefer Celts or Headcult, say, over Hammerheart.
man, once someone says something, you sure hold them to it. it's as if you believe tastes or even people cant change their thinking.

i used to hate tuna. now i love it. things change. accept it. move on.

:lol: I know, I was being an ass. It's just funny though because you *specifically* go out on such a limb to make these blanket statements, with a pre-emptive insult to anyone who might disagree, and then retract your statement 3 months later. :loco:
Well, that's the funny part of it all, you should just laugh about it. Look man, if you make a comment like this...

"This applies to any moron who likes ANY viking metal band more than Bathory" know it's gonna come back and bite you on the ass one day. Now think of all the things you've said about Iron Maiden. :loco: Time to repent. :heh: