Aussie Bands

I don't get into Alchemist either.

How about Candy Harlots, Roxus, Kings Of The Sun, etc? :grin: I still have to check out The Redresser, a newish glam band in Melbourne, and Firefox, a Perth glam metal band I think.
Roxus :rock:

Well, not really, but I saw them back in 1989 opening for Poison! Most memorable thing about the whole night, now that I think about it...
Originally posted by Spiff
If that gig represented Poison at their peak, then I'd hate to see one of their recent gigs!

I know a couple of people who saw Poison in '89 who don't even really like them now, but thought they were really really good live, and better than Crue's Feelgood tour...

I wish I had been to both to compare hehe. I wouldn't be complainig about either one though, that's for sure! I'd kill to see any of those bands in their peak :(

Goddammit someone invent a time machine already!
Maybe it was just the Brisbane show, but all I remember was how disappointing it was. Poison was my favourite band back then, and it was my first gig, so I should have gone home raving about how great it was. No such luck. CC was awful, people were almost booing during his hellishly long guitar solo, and the actual gig only went for about 75 minutes, if I remember correctly.
How was he awful? Maybe he just had a bad night....

I know one thing though... Bret Michaels cannot sing live. He sounds awful even on Swallow This. But you can hear from that, that he's voice sounds bad coz he's working so hard on stage. He's breathing so heavily the whole time and out of breath.

I'd imagine that despite CC and Bret's musical shortcomings, a Poison show would be "nothin' but a good time". Full of fun! Although CC does sound good on Swallow This Live I think, and I'm pretty sure that album has no overdubs (if it did the vocals would be half decent).
I guess you just had to be there. Just because a band is legendary and you've wanted to see them forever, doesn't mean they didn't have their off-nights.

CC was awful because he was playing poorly and he was obviously doped up to the gills. Mark was there, I'm sure he could add his opinion (sure didn't help that he drove his elbow painfully into my shoulder during his rocking-out - I was 13 then, he would have been 17, so I was quite a bit shorter than him!).
I only skimmed everyones replies but did anyone mention Earth??? They are currently my favourite Australian band. I've seen them twice and went straight out and bought the tshirt and cd. Fuckin awesome stuff.

Also I think someone mentioned Fury, they're pretty good. Seen them twice as well and the second time they didn't play so good but the CD still rocks.

Lastly, I know I'm biased but I'll mention Anarion. Lotta potential in that band.
