Do clone bands have any value?

General Zod said:
How can Lamb of God be both a Slayer clone and not Metal?

Who said anything about them not being metal?

I'm not sure if LoG are a Slayer clone, but they're not unique either. It's not like they created a new sound / style in that sub-genre anyway, compared to the progressive bands I listed.
jimbobhickville said:
Symphony X is better than Yngwie Malmsteen

There's just no connection there IMO, except for the odd minor scale.

Malmsteen plays a style that merges Bach with Richie Blackmore and Jimi Hendrix (and has stuck with that style from day 1), while Romeo is a technical wizard / composer playing something altogether quite "proggy" (and has never managed to write anything quite as good as "Far Beyond the Sun" fwiw).

Malmsteen "clones" consist of Brazen Abbot, Narnia, Silent Force, etc. except of course they don't have as many instrumentals.
JayKeeley said:
Who said anything about them not being metal?
Uhhhh... 95% of this board.

JayKeeley said:
I'm not sure if LoG are a Slayer clone, but they're not unique either. It's not like they created a new sound / style in that sub-genre anyway, compared to the progressive bands I listed.
Well, they're considered THE band in the New Wave of American Heavy Metal. I actually think their sound is fairly unique. I'm not sure who I could point to and say they sound like "this band". And honestly, I just don't listen to enough Slayer to know how much LoG borrows/rips off.

Well, I tell you what, play a Symphony X CD (especially their early ones) and an Yngwie CD to someone who isn't intimately familiar with metal. They'll likely think it's the same band.

When I said Manitou, I was referring to the disbanded one with Oyvind on vocals (guy from Spiral Architect). Not the new crappy Euro power metal Manitou. And they're better than any period Fates Warning 'cause they have a good singer.

But I suppose maybe neither of those are enough of a clone to be considered a real clone. In that case, neither is Lamb of God, from what I've heard.
jimbobhickville said:
Well, I tell you what, play a Symphony X CD (especially their early ones) and an Yngwie CD to someone who isn't intimately familiar with metal. They'll likely think it's the same band.
to be fair, you could play deicide and at the gates back to back and most people would think it's the same band :loco:
Just curious, those 1000 clones, do you speak of the Gothenburg stuff or the shitty melodicore shit that spewed forth?

Out of all AtG albums, they pick the least best. meh
J. said:
Just curious, those 1000 clones, do you speak of the Gothenburg stuff or the shitty melodicore shit that spewed forth?

Out of all AtG albums, they pick the least best. meh

No, I mean specific "slaughter"-infused metalcore clones, not just Gothenburg melo-death. It got so bad at one point that one clone (NIGHTRAGE) ended up getting Tomas Lindberg to provide vocals -- that mofo went full circle.
JayKeeley said:
And yeah, Lamb of God are metal. wtf. Even if it is "metalcore" or whatever.

Same thing with bands like Mastodon and Isis, only the strictest of purists (or the bands themselves if they fear being tagged as metal) would consider them more -core than metal...seeing the latter live just reinforced my belief that they are 100% metal. As for this clone issue, what it really comes down to is fatigue with their genre and is very subjective...if you're sick of melodeath like everyone else, you curse the clones, if you're on a (insert genre here) binge, you'll probably have more tolerance for bands that aren't really doing anything new but do it very well.
Yeah, that's a good point and something we're all guilty of. As soon as we find a new band that we love, we want to know other bands that are similar in style. :tickled: