What do you value most in life?

The Beatles, books, music, pussy, LSD, beer, weed, comic books, family, the weird excitement of uncertainty we call life, cheese
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.

Also I am particularly fond of my mom, wife, and the spirit of my Grammaw + Grandfather. I am also very lucky to have an amazing mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Dad and I get along these days, took until I was 30 for that to happen. I have a small but amazing group of friends. When we bought a house, 15 people showed up to help us move, no questions asked. That was an emotionally good thing.

I also fucking love my old Mesa tube amp and Bergantino 4x12 cab, because it is so loud that it makes my pants flap in the bass-breeze. Two basses and two pedals have my particular eye/ear, and likely always will. I also enjoy having 10 digits on my hands that function correctly, especially after dealing with some pretty band tendonitis in my early 20s.

The desert. I could not live without the desert. The mountains. I would not want to live without them. Being able to pilot a recreational vehicle in a beautiful part of the planet. Ghost towns!

Beer. Two legs. Full head of hair. A job that doesn't suck. Books. Film. Art. Adventure. Cheese.

Finally... experiencing music. I could lose all of the above, but if I went deaf, I would kill myself.
Free time most of all (which is an umbrella for countless things and activities I enjoy), but also my immediate family, my earliest memories, laughter, and animals.
good one frank. nothing like taking a nasty shit, then standing up to wipe and the toilet paper is skidmark free
Aside from the aforementioned Conan quote I realize I enjoy quite many things in life. Sure there's a lot of horseshit I must wade through (traffic in an ungainly metropolis, taxes, etc.,) but it rarely drags me down too often. The existential doubts and ennui seem much less as I hit my middle years. I have some remaining goals I want to accomplish and hope to maybe see more of the world, but it's not some feeling like I'm missing something.

Seriously, so many little things make me happy at a given moment. Maybe I'm just turning feeble-minded prematurely.
Every minute is precious. Majority of people are shit, but family is invaluable. Dont have much, so appreciate the few I have.

By constrast, moments in complete solitude are also mighty appreciable.

Music that hits simultaneously with some blood flowing exercise makes one alive. Love those moments.

Also waxing philosophical during a nice steady buzz where one has clarity but devoid of reservation. Love "real talk" and existential talk brought forth by suds.

Probably digressing from the topic. But yea, people is where its at. (0.001%) of em.