People in your life who you would brutally murder

No one in my life. I'd go back to the store this guy would not let me buy smokes at yesterday and leave him in a pool of blood( who I gave the finger and said 'fuck you'). The guy was some nerdy dork guy in his 40
s and the look on his face was priceless. I was in another town and did not have any smokes and was never so annoyed and pissed in my life and am usually chill.

Nancy Grace for one... she's "in my life" because my grandma has to fucking listen to the idiot as long as it's on, every day it's on.

Nancy grace deserves to be beaten to death. ugly annoying cunt
The assistant manager at my work would be a prime candidate had he not been relocated recently. He was OCD and had panic attacks, and would fuck up the entire flow of the restaurant by freaking out over insignificant shit.