Importing Guitars

I have transported a guitar from China through Russia to Eastern Europe by plane. It was a very cheap guitar that I just bought as a souvenir BUT it survived in prime condition in a gig bag and tucked in the overhead compartment as hand luggage.

So I second DSS3's opinion there. No need for a flight case - they will not let you get on board with it. Gig bag in the overhead department is the way to go. ;)
If the UK's anything like Ireland with customs then it'll be no bother at all. I've had a few guitars brought over by relatives and mics,camera's and other gear and never had a problem.
My mother just brought me home a bouzouki from Greece, overhead luggage in a flimsy flightcase- no hassle and it got here safe and sound
Yeah, I guess I'm gonna go with the gigbag in the overhead method. Anyone have any knowledge of what happens if for some freak reason they do rustle me? Do I just pay what I owe and that's it?
Why would that be bad for the instrument? It's sitting 3 feet above my head in the same place you'd stow a briefcase, small backpack, coat, etc...

I don't personally think it's a good idea. In the US, he has a poor chance of getting on an international flight with a gig bag in his carry-on. For one thing, last I heard, they are only letting you carry-on one bag now and there are dimension limitations. Plus, they are charging a lot more than they used to for checked bags. Consider that the dimensions of one guitar in a gig-bag won't pass. Then remember that he said he's getting TWO. A guitar and a bass. The instruments will have to be checked, which requires you to gets flight cases for them. The cargo hold is not "pressurized" like the cabin. You have to keep them in ATA-Approved flight cases or you can almost guarantee problems with them later. Hell, depending on how high that particular pilot has to climb as part of whatever flight plan he files, the guitars might not even survive the trip, if not in a flight case.

Not to mention a flight case wouldn't fit in an overhead compartment.

I wasn't saying to store a flight case in an overhead compartment. That's just ignorant. The cabin of an airliner is "pressurized", otherwise, they'd have to put YOU in a flight case. You have to CHECK the flight case with your CHECKED luggage.
I don't personally think it's a good idea. In the US, he has a poor chance of getting on an international flight with a gig bag in his carry-on. For one thing, last I heard, they are only letting you carry-on one bag now and there are dimension limitations. Plus, they are charging a lot more than they used to for checked bags. Consider that the dimensions of one guitar in a gig-bag won't pass. Then remember that he said he's getting TWO. A guitar and a bass. The instruments will have to be checked, which requires you to gets flight cases for them. The cargo hold is not "pressurized" like the cabin. You have to keep them in ATA-Approved flight cases or you can almost guarantee problems with them later. Hell, depending on how high that particular pilot has to climb as part of whatever flight plan he files, the guitars might not even survive the trip, if not in a flight case.

Two guitars in one gigbag isn't unheard of, and they do make double-gig bags.

If you read my post, you'd know that I just made an international flight (from the US) with a gigbag and a briefcase as my carry-on items. It probably depends on which airline he's taking. I called ahead and specifically asked what their (Air Berlin, in my case) policy on taking guitars on the plane was: they allow one gigbag, without size limitations, and without counting as your single carry-on.

So, to sum it up: COBHC, you should call the airline and see what their policy is. If they recommend shoving that sucker in the overhead, do it!
Two guitars in one gigbag isn't unheard of, and they do make double-gig bags.

If you read my post, you'd know that I just made an international flight (from the US) with a gigbag and a briefcase as my carry-on items. It probably depends on which airline he's taking. I called ahead and specifically asked what their (Air Berlin, in my case) policy on taking guitars on the plane was: they allow one gigbag, without size limitations, and without counting as your single carry-on.

So, to sum it up: COBHC, you should call the airline and see what their policy is. If they recommend shoving that sucker in the overhead, do it!

Okay, good idea. I mean I already told him to check ahead with the airlines, but now that you've said it, I guess we're covered. And yeah, I mean spending all the effort and money to come over seas for 2 new guitars shouldn't make it worth the effort to try and transport them back in the safest manor possible, right?! I mean screw it... let's just throw 2 new axes in a "double gig bag" for a fucking international flight, after you've already put in all the effort, time, and money to fly OVERSEAS to get them! WTF?!