Improper picking technique?


Lazy Guitarist
Dec 30, 2007
Everett, WA
I'm running into a problem lately. My picking hand is getting progressively more fucked up... my wrist is, I should say.
I'm an entirely self-taught guitarist, so if I'm doing something wrong with my technique I wouldn't know about it. Another guitarist friend of mine was saying that there is a wrong way to pick, and that Alexi Laiho had to stop playing guitar for a while and practically relearn the instrument--I don't know whether or not that's true, but it's something I bear in mind.

As I'm saying though... my right-hand wrist has been feeling more and more fucked up during the past few months, and I've been playing for close to three years. It's particularly bothering me this morning, hence prompting this post.

Has anybody else ever ran into any arthritic problems as a guitarist? What have you done to fix it?
What kind of stretching should I be doing? Warm-ups? etc.
it would be helpful to know how you're picking...grip, technique, etc...

anyhow...I've never had those problems.
I hold the pick like anyone else... between my thumb and the side of my pointer finger.
When I'm picking my wrist does all the work.
Hey, Chris Lasegue from Jag Panzer here! I've got some suggestions for you. I've been teaching guitar for over 20 years and, while I don't know your specifics, I'm well-acquainted with the most common problems. Remember, these are just some thoughts/suggestions for you to consider. (1)Don't strain and try to muscle your way to playing faster/better! Speed comes from accuraccy, and accuracy comes from knowing where you're going! If you're practicing with a metronome, stay completely relaxed and focus on accuracy...don't allow yourself to tense up! (2)When you feel ready to increase your speed, do so in very small increments, making sure you are still relaxed. (3)Don't allow too much of the pick tip to dig into the strings...imagine you are playing on the top surface of the string, as opposed to the "sides" of the string. You don't want too much resistance, which will tire you out and stress your tendons. (4) Take your time reaching your goals, dont force it! You will end up playing better in the long run, and without injuring yourself. (5)Take very frequent breaks while working on hard things. Put the guitar down and walk around, or do some stretching. When you come back to your guitar you will feel more relaxed and refreshed. Remember: TRAIN, don't strain! There is alot more to this, but try these techniques and see if they help you. Also, if you are feeling alot of pain, don't play your guitar and wait until you're healed up. Sometimes I have to take time off just to give my arms a break! Good luck, brother!
Elimist, are you an Animorphs fan, or is your user name just a coincidence? I loved that book :rock:

Back on topic though, when people say "play with your wrist," they don't mean it literally. The motion that you should use actually originates from the base or your radius and ulna, where they meet with your elbow. This is the section of your arm that is responsible for rotation of your wrist, regardless of whether your arm is bent at the elbow or not, so most people perceive that the movement is coming from the wrist when in fact, it is not. If you really do play with your wrist though, then it's no surprise that you find it so uncomfortable.
Hey, Chris Lasegue from Jag Panzer here! I've got some suggestions for you. I've been teaching guitar for over 20 years and, while I don't know your specifics, I'm well-acquainted with the most common problems. Remember, these are just some thoughts/suggestions for you to consider. (1)Don't strain and try to muscle your way to playing faster/better! Speed comes from accuraccy, and accuracy comes from knowing where you're going! If you're practicing with a metronome, stay completely relaxed and focus on accuracy...don't allow yourself to tense up! (2)When you feel ready to increase your speed, do so in very small increments, making sure you are still relaxed. (3)Don't allow too much of the pick tip to dig into the strings...imagine you are playing on the top surface of the string, as opposed to the "sides" of the string. You don't want too much resistance, which will tire you out and stress your tendons. (4) Take your time reaching your goals, dont force it! You will end up playing better in the long run, and without injuring yourself. (5)Take very frequent breaks while working on hard things. Put the guitar down and walk around, or do some stretching. When you come back to your guitar you will feel more relaxed and refreshed. Remember: TRAIN, don't strain! There is alot more to this, but try these techniques and see if they help you. Also, if you are feeling alot of pain, don't play your guitar and wait until you're healed up. Sometimes I have to take time off just to give my arms a break! Good luck, brother!

Two things: Jag Panzer RULES! Great advice! Thanks a ton!

Other thing:

Make a video of your picking hand so we can get a good idea of your technique. I've seen some people who say they play from the wrist who use almost entirely elbow movement...
Video? No camera.
I just watched a couple Yngwie and Jeff Loomis videos for reference.
It looks like I do things the same way they do... so I should be safe.
It's a rare occurrence, and my guitar technique is not at fault so I guess I'm okay with it.
I'm not actually worried about my health, just my ability to play guitar. If this ends up becoming a real problem, I'll get it checked out.
End of issue. Unless Jeff and Yngwie are doing it wrong too?

Animorphs are the shit. Yeah, I read those when I was in like 4th grade all the time. Too bad I don't have my copies anymore...
I never actually read the Ellimist book though. That one came out after I stopped following the series, but the character would make cameos occasionally and was mentioned a lot before that book.
Also... it's spelled with two L's, but I've always wrote it with just one because I felt like it looked awkward spelled the right way.
Ahg! The memories. I read those in like 2nd grade. Man...those were great. Anybody ever see the TV show they made?

Confession: I got the game through the book drive in 3rd was terrible.