Impulse test


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2005
I've been reading a lot about impulses, so I figured I would jump on the bandwagon and try 'em out.

For rhythms, I recorded two tracks of a Carvin 727 through an ADA-MP1, Johnson J-Station, and Mesa Mark III direct into a MBox 2. For the leads, I recorded one track of Johnson J-Station. All of the guitars are using the same impulse. I'm using SIR as my reverb plug in. I added a multi-band compressor to the guitars and cut a little bit of 3k and ran a high pass and low pass on them as well.

Bass was a Fender Jazz Deluxe 5 string through the J-Station. That had it's own impulse. I also added some compression and a little bit of EQ.

The drums are DFHS with SIR on them as well. I used a church impulse file I found online.

The keys were some random keyboard my bass player has. Let me know what you guys think.